I’ve wanted this on the NNS for a while. I should be able to do Internet Computer Content Validation Bootstrap and have the nns validate me and preload the payment screen where all I have to do is select the account I want the payment to go out of.
icp:// uri is not taken yet. Can you/somebody from ICP send an email and register URI schema for icp:// ? Then, we can catch URI schemas link from browser extensions and mobile apps
Send a copy of the scheme registration request or a pointer
to the document containing the request (with specific
reference to the section that requests the scheme
registration) to the mailing list uri-review@ietf.org,
requesting review. In addition, request review on other
relevant mailing lists as appropriate. For example, general
discussion of URI syntactical issues can be discussed on uri@w3.org; schemes for a network protocol can be discussed
on a mailing list for that protocol. Allow a reasonable time
for discussion and comments. Four weeks is reasonable for a
‘permanent’ registration request.