The ICP ecosystem will actively participate at ETH Denver 2024.
In-person hackathon bounties (Due Saturday, March 2nd)
ICP will offer up to $25,000 in prizes at the in-person hackathon between two tracks:
ICP offers two key capabilities for cross-chain integration: threshold ECDSA signing and HTTPS outcalls. In addition, features such as large smart contract storage (400GiB), fast consensus (~1s), high execution capacity, timers, on-chain encryption (vetKeys), a bridgeless native Bitcoin integration, and decentralized frontend hosting make it possible to build cross-chain dapps that aren’t possible to build anywhere else.
This is an open bounty for the most innovative use of ICP technology. ICP adds autonomous serverless cloud functionality to the public Internet – making it possible to build almost any system or service entirely on a decentralized network using “canister smart contracts,” that can host frontends, interact with other chains and web2 services, and keep secrets. For this bounty, you should use ICP technology most innovatively and build the coolest dapp showcasing as many of the superpowers of ICP as possible. This bounty also allows you to build innovative compositions with bounties of other sponsors.
To get the full details of the bounties, please visit the ICP Bounty page at ETH Denver.
Several networking events and talks are planned as well:
Feb 26, 6.30 pm to 9 pm
CryptoMondays ETH X ICP
Improper City at 3201 Walnut Street, Denver, CO
Join the CryptoMondays Denver where you will learn about the superpowers of ICP.
Feb 27, 4 pm to 8 pm
The University of Colorado
Join for the ICP Hubs Meetup. Learn about the ICP ecosystem, network with leaders, and enjoy discussions on blockchain adoption.
Feb 27, 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm
Encode Club Denver L2 Panel
Join us for a panel discussion covering how ICP acts as L2 to Bitcoin and the Ethereum integration.
Feb 29, 3 pm
Open Information House panel on “Why Open Information”
Feb 29 - Mar 3, 8 am to 7 pm @ Booth 326
ETH Denver Conference
ICP will have a booth at the main ETHDenver conference. Come to chat with us about everything ICP from multi-chain to decentralization to our Grant Programs and more!
Mar 1, 3:35 pm - 3:55 pm @ $Spork Castle, Seamount Stage
@Kyle_Langham will talk about how Bitcoin and Ethereum are BFFs and how users of both protocols should, and can, jump between the two without the need for intermediaries using ICP.
Included with an ETH Denver ticket
Apply to attend if you do not have an ETH Denver ticket yet
DFINITY Team members attending:
ICP Hub Founders: