IC WebSocket - decode incoming message from Candid bytes

Current state

I’m working on the IC WebSocket Rust CDK. Like in a traditional WebSocket server, the developer can pass to the IC WebSocket CDK the events’ function callbacks (on_open, on_message, on_close). These functions are stored in the WsHandlers.

At the current state, when a message is received by the canister, it is passed to the OnMessageCallback as raw encoded Candid bytes and the developer needs to decode it manually as done in the example:


We want to make it possible for developers to receive the message already decoded based on a type that they provide. For this reason, the OnMessageCallback arguments should have a dynamic message field type like:

/// Arguments passed to the `on_message` handler.
pub struct OnMessageCallbackArgs {
    pub client_principal: ClientPrincipal,
    pub message: Box<dyn CandidType>,

This way, when a new message is received by the canister in the ws_message function, the message can be decoded from Candid and the callback called with the correct type (how it’s done now: https://github.com/omnia-network/ic-websocket-cdk-rs/blob/ec6d2fcb1bfdf3fc887007d14350e282bdbc9abb/src/ic-websocket-cdk/src/lib.rs#L988-L991).


However, the compiler is giving this error:

error[E0038]: the trait `CandidType` cannot be made into an object
   --> src/ic-websocket-cdk/src/lib.rs:794:22
794 |     pub message: Box<dyn CandidType>,
    |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `CandidType` cannot be made into an object
note: for a trait to be "object safe" it needs to allow building a vtable to allow the call to be resolvable dynamically; for more information visit <https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/traits.html#object-safety>

Does anyone has any suggestions on how to make it work? Should we change the way the developer provides the events callbacks to the CDK?


As the compiler suggested, you cannot have dyn CandidType. This is true for other serde based serialization libraries, e.g., you cannot define dyn Serialize or dyn Deserialize either.

The easiest is to keep message as raw bytes. If you want to cache the parsing, you can use something like this:

enum Message<T1:CandidType, T2:CandidType> {

The drawback is that you only support a limited number of tuples, but in practice, functions don’t tend to take large number of arguments.

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So, if I understand correctly, there’s no way to pass the deserialized message to the callback?

That Message enum is the deserialized message. Not super convenient, but it’s doable.