IC Dashboard Canister

Is the IC Dashboard deployed as a canister on the NNS? Are the sources available for it? Thanks in advance

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The IC Data Dashboard is not completely open-sourced and not controlled by the NNS at the moment.

Some of the APIs are available though.


Will the new dashboard be open source?

Long thread about open sourcing dashboard here

The ICP Dashboard redesign will focus primarily on the front end, while the open-source requests you’ve mentioned are more about the back end. Therefore, the redesign and open source are separate matters.

However, if we do end up building any new features on chain as part of this redesign, we aim to make those open source.

For those interested in the availability of more verifiable data, I recommend checking out Diego’s post from earlier this year. He discussed the current thinking of R&D leadership at DFINITY and mentioned that “we are currently working on providing more data about the IC operation that then anyone can use.”