CanisterActor {Symbol(ic-agent-metadata): {…}, addProduct: ƒ, getAllProducts: ƒ, viewProduct:
ths is the declarations
type UserCart =
record {
items: vec CartItem;
userId: text;
type Product =
record {
category: text;
description: text;
expiryDate: text;
id: nat;
name: text;
price: record {
max: float64;
min: float64;
quantity: int;
status: text;
type Order =
record {
id: nat;
productId: nat;
quantity: int;
status: text;
type CartItem =
record {
productId: nat;
productName: text;
quantity: int;
service : {
addProduct: (text, text, text, int, float64, float64, text) → ();
addToCart: (text, nat, int) → (text);
getAllOrders: () → (vec Order);
getAllProducts: () → (vec Product);
placeOrder: (nat, int) → (text);
removeFromCart: (text, nat) → (text);
viewCart: (text) → (opt UserCart);
viewProduct: (nat) → (opt Product);
Can you please let us know what you mean by not being able to access them? Are you getting an error when you import your .did
file? Are you getting an unintended result?
when I deploy the backend it deloys without any issue but when I need to use the actors in my frontend some are not fetching yet some are fetching.
Do the functions work properly when you test them in the Candid UI link? Do you see any errors in your console log?
If you have a repo, I can also take a look.
@KezzyNgotho Do you still need help?