How to make IC Management API canister_status call with @dfinity/agent?


I’d like to find a working example of a client-side call to the IC Management API, canister_status endpoint, using the @dfinity/agent library.

Currently, I get the following error:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Call was rejected:
  Request ID: fcd619917bbae7a933d8d1333d5ad154d42cc5087f933885a7802c9f9663ce35
  Reject code: 
  Reject text: Canister xxxxx has no update method 'canister_status'

Used a partial idl factory for the ic management API:

      const idlFactory = ({ IDL }) => {
        // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
        const canister_id = IDL.Principal;
        // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
        const definite_canister_settings = IDL.Record({
          freezing_threshold: IDL.Nat,
          controllers: IDL.Vec(IDL.Principal),
          memory_allocation: IDL.Nat,
          compute_allocation: IDL.Nat,
        return IDL.Service({
          canister_status: IDL.Func(
            [IDL.Record({ canister_id })],
                status: IDL.Variant({
                  stopped: IDL.Null,
                  stopping: IDL.Null,
                  running: IDL.Null,
                memory_size: IDL.Nat,
                cycles: IDL.Nat,
                settings: definite_canister_settings,
                module_hash: IDL.Opt(IDL.Vec(IDL.Nat8)),

The call is made through the @dfinity/agent, with my own identity in which controls the target (effective) canister id. Initially, used the aaaaa-aa, but after reading ( The Internet Computer Interface Specification :: Internet Computer ), used the target canister id (effective canister id).

A working example would be nice, it’s been a bit boring as I was expecting it to be a bit simpler and the dfx command (ok that the target canister id is not passed as an argument to the call).

dfx canister --network=ic --no-wallet call aaaaa-aa canister_status "(record { canister_id= principal \"xxxxx\" })"
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Late to the party but since I implemented this today here’s my solution.

  1. Get the interface spec - the id.did file
  2. Generate did.d.ts and did.js from Candid file, for example with Canlista UI
  3. The typescript code:
import {CallConfig, Identity} from '@dfinity/agent';
import {Principal} from '@dfinity/principal';
import {_SERVICE as IcManagerActor} from '../../canisters/ic/ic.did';
import {idlFactory as IcManagerFactory} from '../../canisters/ic/ic.utils.did';
import {createActor} from '../../utils/actor.utils';
import {getIdentity} from '../auth/auth.providers';

const MANAGEMENT_CANISTER_ID = Principal.fromText('aaaaa-aa');

// Source nns-dapp - dart -> JS bridge
const transform = (_methodName: string, args: unknown[], _callConfig: CallConfig) => {
  const first = args[0] as any;
  let effectiveCanisterId = MANAGEMENT_CANISTER_ID;
  if (first && typeof first === 'object' && first.canister_id) {
    effectiveCanisterId = Principal.from(first.canister_id as unknown);
  return {effectiveCanisterId};

const createIcManagerActor = ({identity}: {identity: Identity}): Promise<IcManagerActor> => {
  return createActor<IcManagerActor>({
    config: {
      callTransform: transform,
      queryTransform: transform
    idlFactory: IcManagerFactory,

export const canisterStatus = async (canisterId: string) => {
  // authClient?.getIdentity();
  const identity: Identity | undefined = getIdentity();

  if (!identity) {
    throw new Error('No internet identity to get canister status');

  const actor: IcManagerActor = await createIcManagerActor({identity});

  const response = await actor.canister_status({
    canister_id: Principal.fromText(canisterId)


  // note: if error 403 => user is not the controller of the canister

Note: I assume it works out. At the end of the day I am not going to use following code for my app because your identity needs to be the controller for the canister to query it which is not my use case :crazy_face:


Update: since few months there is now a JS library - parts of ic-js - for interfacing with the IC:

To get the status it’s now as easy as following:

import { ICManagementCanister } from "@dfinity/ic-management";
import { createAgent } from "@dfinity/utils";

const agent = await createAgent({
  host: HOST,

const { canisterStatus } = ICManagementCanister.create({

const { status, memory_size, } = await canisterStatus(YOUR_CANISTER_ID);
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Is this the same status as you can get from CanisterStatus?

Not sure about the content but, at least from the response no. That agent-js function returns a Map, the ic-js library returns structured data decoded with candid.

The @dfinity/ic-management exposes also more features - i.e. all features available to manage a canister:

Shout-out to @NathanosDev for contributing to that particular lib.