Error logging icrc1 token name in frontend

Why am I not seeing a response to my query here?
How do I call a function on the canister from my frontend?

import { token_lobby_backend } from "../../declarations/token_lobby_backend";
import { idlFactory } from "../../declarations/token/token.did.js";

document.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", async (e) => {
  const button ="button");

  const name = document.getElementById("name").value.toString();

  button.setAttribute("disabled", true);

  const token = "avqkn-guaaa-aaaaa-qaaea-cai"
  const whitelist = [token];
  await window.ic.plug.requestConnect({
        var p = await window.ic.plug.agent.getPrincipal();
        const a = {
          owner: p,
          subaccount: [],
        const actor = await window.ic.plug.createActor({
          canisterId: token,
          interfaceFactory: idlFactory,
        console.log("asking for name")
        const token_name = await actor.icrc1_name();
        console.log(token_name); //this line does not show in console logs


Why am I not seeing a response?

I would expect some sort of error in that case. Are there network requests going out anywhere? Since you appear to be on I would also expect that you need to set the host somewhere, but maybe Plug takes care of that for you

Attached is the network activity.

Is there a recommended wallet by DFINITY? It would be great to have a complete hello world PLUS wallet integration example end-to-end.

Dfinity has refrained from endorsing wallets. The main strategy we’ve endorsed in terms of documentation is using Internet Identity, as we’ve done in the NNS Dapp

Ok, does the code make sense? I would expect

 const actor = await window.ic.plug.createActor({
          canisterId: token,
          interfaceFactory: idlFactory,
        console.log("asking for name")
        const token_name = await actor.icrc1_name();
        console.log(token_name); //this line does not show in console

to work - do you have a sample project that reads read only data from a canister?

On the surface, it looks like that would work. Is there an error being thrown? Also, what’s happening in the network tab?