How to make app convenient for payment?

How to obtain real-time prices of the latest ICP or ICRC-1 standard tokens at a low enough cost, with a prediction mechanism like Chainlink, so that we can handle the charging issue of our SatLink application. We pay based on fiat currency.

Have a look at the exchange rate canister:

Does this cover your use case?

Appreciate that, I will try it.

These changes primarily reflect updates in the key features of our project.

  1. Uer authorization - Each user receives a unique and dedicated identity for every domain they interact with via user authorization.
  2. Payment System - Based on MSQ, allowing direct purchases of ICP and ICRC-1, and payment of service fees within the IC ecosystem.
  3. Pricing - Designed based on the IC Exchange Rate Canister, ensuring dynamic and fair pricing for Satslink’s services.

These changes aim to enhance the clarity and functionality of our proposal, highlighting the innovative integration of MSQ and the dynamic pricing mechanism based on the IC Exchange Rate Canister.