How to disburse maturity using Quill?

I have had success using the latest version of Quill (v0.4.2) to manage my seed neurons, but have had some trouble as of late to disburse the maturity from each of my seed neurons that have since fully dissolved. I’ve looked through all the documentation (and used the AI feature in the docs as well that is pretty good too) but haven’t found the answer for me.

Is there a way to use the Quill command line to disburse maturity from any of my neurons (either fully dissolved or still dissolving)?

Bumping this to see if anyone can comment!

I probably shouldn’t have posted this during New Years :smiling_face:

Le’ts try this one more time :slight_smile:
Hoping someone can help!

quill neuron-manage --help shows how. The relevant sections:

            Disburse the entire staked amount to the controller's account

        --disburse-amount <DISBURSE_AMOUNT>
            Disburse only the selected amount, instead of the entire amount, to the controller's

        --disburse-to <DISBURSE_TO>
            Disburse to the selected NNS account instead of the controller

Thank you for responding @Severin - I guess my challenge is understanding how to see my maturity earned within a neuron. Is there a command to see how much maturity has been earned within a given neuron?

Also, I have disbursed a few neurons that should have had maturity in them but when I finally disbursed them (after two years dissolve) I didn’t see any additional. Is it possible the maturity needs to be separately disbursed?

I think quill list-neurons <optional neuron id> would show how much maturity is in the neuron.

I’m not sure about how disbursing works, but AFAIK when a neuron ticks down to 0 dissolve delay any maturity is converted to ICP, so disbursing should get everything out of the neuron

I’ve checked the docs and the source code, and can’t see a way to display the maturity of the neuron I created using quill :melting_face:

Calling in @AdamS as the expert on quill :slightly_smiling_face:

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This information is unfortunately not returned from quill get-neuron-info, but do you see it in quill list-neurons (latest version only)?

Unfortunately not, unless it’s changed since a few days ago when I installed quill on my laptop.

Is this something that can be easily enough addressed @AdamS?

Just to check, did you authenticate the list-neurons call with your key, and specify the neuron ID in the command?

Indeed, all of the above, which returns the following information for the neuron specified: Neuron, Aging since, Staked ICP, State, Dissolve delay, Created, Controller, Hot keys, KYC verified, Recent votes, Followees

Unfortunately maturity is not displayed (but it definitely has accrued maturity, given its stake and recent voting activity).

Would this be easy enough for you to address in an updated version of quill?

Oh, I misinterpreted, I thought you meant the staked maturity. I see now that it indeed does not show the unstaked maturity in the friendly output. I will create an internal ticket and it will go into the next release of Quill. In the meantime, you can pass --raw to quill send to see the raw Candid output; the field will show up as “maturity_e8s_equivalent” or “1_029_637_143”, and you convert this number to ICP-equivalent by putting a decimal point eight digits from the right.

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My hero, thank @AdamS! :blush: