How to create own token using ICRC-1 standard?

Hi everyone!

I am new in Internet Computer.
I am making own token using ICRC-1 standard.
But I don’t know how to do it.
I have experience in other blockchain platforms such as ethereum, binance, solana.
Who know the way to make own token on Internet Computer.

I already read all posts related with this but can’t find perfect solution. Maybe I don’t have deep knowledge of Internet Computer?

Also I found some github repository for ICRC-1 standard.
Please help me with this.
If possible, I want to do it using rust programming language.

Best Regards

No need to code anything - you can simply follow this guide


Hi, @Severin.

Thanks for your help.

I followed this tutorial, but while deploying custom tokens on local IC, I got this error.
I tried to fix it but can’t.

administrator@administrator-virtual-machine:~/Desktop/customToken$ dfx deploy --network ${NETWORK} icrc1-ledger --argument '(variant { Init = 
      record {
        token_name = "'${TOKEN_NAME}'";
        token_symbol = "'${TOKEN_SYMBOL}'";
        minting_account = record { owner = principal "'${MINTER_PRINCIPAL}'";};
        initial_balances = vec {};
        initial_mints = vec record { { owner = principal "'${MINTER_PRINCIPAL}'" }; 1_000_000_000; };
        metadata = vec {};
        transfer_fee = 10;
        archive_options = record {
          trigger_threshold = 2000;
          num_blocks_to_archive = 1000;
          controller_id = principal "'${ARCHIVE_CONTROLLER}'";
error: unexpected argument 'Token";
        token_symbol = "ABC";
        minting_account = record { owner = principal "7sozg-mk7m5-3u2tn-tvtl5-ejqsx-xfs2l-rpcng-h22sv-65ol4-xmrxj-4qe";};
        initial_balances = vec {};
	initial_mints = vec record { { owner = principal "7sozg-mk7m5-3u2tn-tvtl5-ejqsx-xfs2l-rpcng-h22sv-65ol4-xmrxj-4qe" }; 1_000_000_000; };
        metadata = vec {};
        transfer_fee = 10;
        archive_options = record {
          trigger_threshold = 2000;
          num_blocks_to_archive = 1000;
          controller_id = principal "7sozg-mk7m5-3u2tn-tvtl5-ejqsx-xfs2l-rpcng-h22sv-65ol4-xmrxj-4qe";
}})' found

How can I fix it?

The quotes look weird. Can you check if TOKEN_NAME and TOKEN_SYMBOL are what you’d expect them to be?

Hi, @Severin .

I solved problem. It’s because of this: export TOKEN_NAME="My Token"

If we input token name directly, we can put whitespace, but if we use above method, we can’t use whitespace.
I am not sure if it happens only on my side.

Thanks again!

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:+1: If you want to find out why it behaves that way, read up on bash string interpolation and how arguments are separated

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Okay, thanks for your kind guide.