How to calculate Voting Rewards Inflation Rate in last year?

Hello, Officials. I have some doubts about the voting reward inflation rate.
I searched the data:

1.ICP Total Supply 17/3/2023~16/3/2023 increased from 497,100,054 to 515,838,850; the increased amount was 18,738,796.

  1. Total maturity generated in that period increased from 56,883,588 to 78,530,469, and the difference was 21,646,88.

  2. Accumulate Minted ICP increased from 22,728,721 to 35,549,382, and the difference amount was 12,820,661.

  3. Total voting rewards increased amount (17/3/2023~16/3/2023, assume maturity convert ICP rate=1) = diff amount_Total Maturity generated+diff amount_Accumulate Minted ICP = 34,467,542

  4. The rate (total voting rewards increased amount :heavy_division_sign: ICP total supply increased) = 6.93%.

  5. The voting rewards inflation rate from the ICP dashboard circulation in that period was 7.95%~7.07%; the average inflation rate was about 7.5%.

The rate at which the overall voting incentives have climbed deviates from the dashboard’s date, as demonstrated above. I’m not sure why my comprehension or calculations are incorrect. Could you please assist me?

If I understand your question correctly, you are asking why the total amount of distributed voting rewards is less than what you expect based on the voting reward function.

The explanation for this discrepancy is as follows: When some neurons do not participate in voting on certain proposals (which is common for governance proposals, where typically only 50-60% of the voting power is exercised), the voting rewards that would have been allocated to these non-voting neurons are not distributed. This results in a reduction of the overall amount of rewards distributed.

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Thanks for quick response!!
Clear now.

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