Basically in the browser it uses window.localStorage.getItem("dfinity-ic-user-identity");
If there is no value, it will generate a keypair ed25519.
An example of value for the keypair is (string):
You can make a new keypair using the function from ic:userlib
, generateKeyPair
They serialize, deserialize respectively using JSON.parse
In order to instantiate a new actor using js-user-library
(using nodeJS or other) with a custom canisterId and custom keypair you can use this snippet:
// ../js-user-library can be replaced with $HOME/.cache/dfinity/versions/0.5.5/js-user-library
const { makeAuthTransform, makeKeyPair } = require("../js-user-library/src/auth");
const { makeNonceTransform } = require("../js-user-library/src/http_agent_transforms");
const { HttpAgent } = require("../js-user-library/src/http_agent");
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const FTIDL = ({ IDL }) => {
return IDL.Service({
// the content of `canisters/{canisterName}/main.did.js`
helloWorld: IDL.Func([IDL.Nat32], [IDL.Bool], []),
// host http://localhost:8000 or DFINITY API
// canisterId is `ic:xxxxx`
// keyPair is the keypair object (JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("dfinity-ic-user-identity")))
function getActor(host, canisterId, keyPair) {
const kp = makeKeyPair(,;
const httpAgent = new HttpAgent({ host: host, fetch: fetch });
httpAgent.addTransform(makeAuthTransform(kp)); // here you could use another middleware that would sign the request, HSM integration for example, etc
const actor = httpAgent.makeActorFactory(FTIDL)({
canisterId: canisterId,
httpAgent: httpAgent
return actor;