Can you clarify how you would call the icx-proxy locally? For example, let’s say I have multiple canisters deployed on my local replica, and only one of them has implemented http_request. How do I target that canister locally using HTTP?
Typically in prod, you would make an HTTP request to https://<canister-id>, where canister-id is the ID of the canister that implemented http_request.
However when testing locally, the domain in the URL is the address that the local icx-proxy is listening on, something like https://localhost:8080. Where would you specify the canister ID in this case?
Hmm, don’t you also need to tell icx-proxy where the local replica is listening on? Like with a flag --replica http://localhost:$(cat .dfx/replica-configuration/replica-1.port)
Once things are deployed to the network you wouldn’t need to use icx-proxy and would make HTTP requests directly to instead
@ericswanson Since icx-proxy is now the default server used by dfx start, it would be helpful if dfx start could let users configure a custom dns_alias flag, which would then get passed to icx-proxy when executing that binary.
Otherwise, developers can’t test that their custom http_request code works with dfx start. This means no fetching images using HTTP locally.
The current workaround is to pass a flag like --dns-alias directly to icx-proxy, as suggested by @paulyoung earlier in this thread.
Sorry, I must be missing something. Using your example (with in the --dns-flag) my browser returns unable to fetch root key when I navigate to Is this expected?
My expectation is that in your example, the backend canister rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai would return a response, given this query function:
public query func http_request_text(request : HttpRequest) : async HttpResponse {
if ((request.method, request.url) == ("GET", "/")) {
return {
status_code = 200;
headers = [("content-type", "text-plain")];
body = "this works, but it's uncertified"
} else {
return {
status_code = 404;
headers = [("content-type", "text-plain")];
body = "404 not found";
I run icx-proxy with: icx-proxy --fetch-root-key --address --dns-alias -v
The backend canister via Candid can be reached via:
By default, the agent is configured to talk to the main Internet Computer, and verifies responses using a hard-coded public key.
This function will instruct the agent to ask the endpoint for its public key, and use that instead. This is required when talking to a local test instance, for example.
Only use this when you are not talking to the main Internet Computer, otherwise you are prone to man-in-the-middle attacks! Do not call this function by default.
Run this after dfx start. It will map the canister with ID rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai to when the local replica is running under port 4943 (which I think is the default) and thereby allow http requests to a backend canister in local development.