Heap out of bounds, error code Some("IC0502") on C++ code run

The function is inlined, correct.

I added some logs until i found out the program breaks at this specific part.

Would be great if dfx could be modified to increase heap limits to verify if it fixes the issue, thanks a lot.

I’m saying sCollideShapeVsShape actually is not being inlined and we can see that the oob access is not happening in it because it’s not in the backtrace. I also think this isn’t related to any dfx/IC limits because I can reproduce the issue in pure wasmtime. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Apply these changes to your jolt sample to avoid using IC APIs (except ic0.trap):
diff --git a/src/HelloWorld.cpp b/src/HelloWorld.cpp
index 58a5d8f..b8efbda 100644
--- a/src/HelloWorld.cpp
+++ b/src/HelloWorld.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
 #include "HelloWorld.h"
-#include "ic_api.h"
+// #include "ic_api.h"
 // The Jolt headers don't include Jolt.h. Always include Jolt.h before including any other Jolt header.
 // You can use Jolt.h in your precompiled header to speed up compilation.
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ public:
 // Program entry point
 void hello()
-       IC_API ic_api(CanisterQuery{std::string(__func__)}, false);
+       // IC_API ic_api(CanisterQuery{std::string(__func__)}, false);
-       // Get the principal of the caller, as cryptographically verified by the IC
-       CandidTypePrincipal caller = ic_api.get_caller();
+       // // Get the principal of the caller, as cryptographically verified by the IC
+       // CandidTypePrincipal caller = ic_api.get_caller();
        // Get the name, passed as a Candid parameter to this method
        // uint64_t seed{0};
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ void hello()
                Vec3 velocity = body_interface.GetLinearVelocity(sphere_id);
                std::string msg_step = "Step " + std::to_string(step) + ": Position = (" + std::to_string(position.GetX()) + ", " + std::to_string(position.GetY()) + ", " + std::to_string(position.GetZ()) + "), Velocity = (" + std::to_string(velocity.GetX()) + ", " + std::to_string(velocity.GetY()) + ", " + std::to_string(velocity.GetZ()) + ")" + "\n";
-               IC_API::debug_print(msg_step); // print it
+               // IC_API::debug_print(msg_step); // print it
                msg.append(msg_step);              // msg send back over wire
                // If you take larger steps than 1 / 60th of a second you need to do multiple collision steps in order to keep the simulation stable. Do 1 collision step per 1 / 60th of a second (round up).
@@ -383,6 +383,6 @@ void hello()
        // Create a msg, to be passed back as Candid over the wire
-       // Send the response back
-       ic_api.to_wire(CandidTypeText{msg});
+       // // Send the response back
+       // ic_api.to_wire(CandidTypeText{msg});
  1. Make these changes to icpp.toml so that we can get debug symbols with @icpp 's rc release:
diff --git a/icpp.toml b/icpp.toml
index 3d75854..f2bb359 100644
--- a/icpp.toml
+++ b/icpp.toml
@@ -15,6 +15,31 @@ cpp_compile_flags = [
 cpp_link_flags = []
+cpp_compile_flags_defaults = [
+    # "-O3",
+    # "-flto",
+    "-fno-exceptions", # required for IC
+    # "-fvisibility=hidden",
+    "-D NDEBUG",
+    "-D ICPP_VERBOSE=0",
+cpp_link_flags_defaults = [
+    "-nostartfiles",
+    "-Wl,--no-entry",
+    # "-Wl,--lto-O3",
+    # "-Wl,--strip-all",
+    # "-Wl,--strip-debug",
+    "-Wl,--stack-first",
+    "-Wl,--export-dynamic", # required for IC
+c_compile_flags_defaults = [
+    # "-O3",
+    # "-flto",
+    "-fno-exceptions", # required for IC
+    # "-fvisibility=hidden",
+    "-D NDEBUG",
 c_paths = []
 c_header_paths = []
 c_compile_flags = []
  1. Create a file ic0.wat which can provide a stub for the ic0.trap API:
❯ cat ic0.wat
  (func (export "trap") (param i32) (param i32) unreachable)
  1. Install the icpp rc version with pip install icpp-pro==3.11.0rc1 and build your project with icpp wasm-build.
  2. We can now run your example in pure wasmtime and see that we hit the same oob access in ProcessBodyPair (this is using wasmtime version 15.0.0):
❯ wasmtime run --preload ic0=ic0.wat --invoke 'canister_query hello' build/joltsample.wasm
Error: failed to run main module `build/joltsample.wasm`

Caused by:
    0: failed to invoke `canister_query hello`
    1: error while executing at wasm backtrace:
           0: 0x566f10 - <unknown>!JPH::PhysicsSystem::ProcessBodyPair(JPH::ContactConstraintManager::ContactAllocator&, JPH::BodyPair const&)
           1: 0x566ac4 - <unknown>!JPH::PhysicsSystem::JobFindCollisions(JPH::PhysicsUpdateContext::Step*, int)
           2: 0x57f437 - <unknown>!JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2::operator()() const
           3: 0x57f3c6 - <unknown>!decltype(std::declval<JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2&>()()) std::__2::__invoke[abi:v160000]<JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2&>(JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2&)
           4: 0x57f37c - <unknown>!void std::__2::__invoke_void_return_wrapper<void, true>::__call<JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2&>(JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2&)
           5: 0x57f332 - <unknown>!std::__2::__function::__default_alloc_func<JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2, void ()>::operator()[abi:v160000]()
           6: 0x57f2c6 - <unknown>!void std::__2::__function::__policy_invoker<void ()>::__call_impl<std::__2::__function::__default_alloc_func<JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)::$_2, void ()>>(std::__2::__function::__policy_storage const*)
           7: 0x3b4d9d - <unknown>!std::__2::__function::__policy_func<void ()>::operator()[abi:v160000]() const
           8: 0x3b40d4 - <unknown>!std::__2::function<void ()>::operator()() const
           9: 0x3b3c57 - <unknown>!JPH::JobSystem::Job::Execute()
          10: 0x3b388a - <unknown>!JPH::JobSystemSingleThreaded::QueueJob(JPH::JobSystem::Job*)
          11: 0x3b4283 - <unknown>!JPH::JobSystemSingleThreaded::QueueJobs(JPH::JobSystem::Job**, unsigned int)
          12: 0x5618ba - <unknown>!JPH::JobSystem::JobHandle::sRemoveDependencies(JPH::JobSystem::JobHandle const*, unsigned int, int)
          13: 0x55ff66 - <unknown>!void JPH::JobSystem::JobHandle::sRemoveDependencies<32u>(JPH::StaticArray<JPH::JobSystem::JobHandle, 32u>&, int)
          14: 0x55d6a4 - <unknown>!JPH::PhysicsSystem::Update(float, int, JPH::TempAllocator*, JPH::JobSystem*)
          15: 0x384a16 - <unknown>!canister_query hello
          16: 0x83a6bd - <unknown>!canister_query hello.command_export
       note: using the `WASMTIME_BACKTRACE_DETAILS=1` environment variable may show more debugging information
    2: memory fault at wasm address 0x10000cd6c in linear memory of size 0xad0000
    3: wasm trap: out of bounds memory access

So this makes me think the problem is somewhere in the compilation/build process.

When playing around with this a couple things I noticed are:

  • Increasing the stack size with something like wasmtime run --preload ic0=ic0.wat --invoke 'canister_query hello' -W max-wasm-stack=4000000000 build/joltsample.wasm doesn’t change anything, so I doubt we have a stack overflow.
  • Looking at the wasm where the oob access occurs, we can see that it’s happening in the function setup:
start of Wasm code for ProcessBodyPair:
 566eef: 23 80 80 80 80 00          | global.get 0 <__stack_pointer>
 566ef5: 21 03                      | local.set 3
 566ef7: 41 c0 a5 04                | i32.const 70336
 566efb: 21 04                      | local.set 4
 566efd: 20 03                      | local.get 3
 566eff: 20 04                      | local.get 4
 566f01: 6b                         | i32.sub
 566f02: 21 05                      | local.set 5
 566f04: 20 05                      | local.get 5
 566f06: 24 80 80 80 80 00          | global.set 0 <__stack_pointer>
 566f0c: 20 05                      | local.get 5
 566f0e: 20 00                      | local.get 0
 566f10: 36 02 9c 9e 04             | i32.store 2 69404 <--OOB occurs here
 566f15: 20 05                      | local.get 5
 566f17: 20 01                      | local.get 1
 566f19: 36 02 98 9e 04             | i32.store 2 69400
 566f1e: 20 05                      | local.get 5
 566f20: 20 02                      | local.get 2
 566f22: 36 02 94 9e 04             | i32.store 2 69396
 566f27: 20 05                      | local.get 5
 566f29: 28 02 9c 9e 04             | i32.load 2 69404
 566f2e: 21 06                      | local.set 6
 566f30: 41 08                      | i32.const 8
 566f32: 21 07                      | local.set 7
 566f34: 20 06                      | local.get 6
 566f36: 20 07                      | local.get 7
 566f38: 6a                         | i32.add
 566f39: 21 08                      | local.set 8
 566f3b: 20 05                      | local.get 5
 566f3d: 28 02 94 9e 04             | i32.load 2 69396
 566f42: 21 09                      | local.set 9
 566f44: 20 08                      | local.get 8
 566f46: 20 09                      | local.get 9
 566f48: 10 b7 8b 80 80 00          | call 1463 <JPH::BodyManager::GetBody(JPH::BodyID const&)>

Anyway, we probably need something that can run by itself in wasmtime before it will work on the IC.


Thank you so much for doing this investigation and giving your summary. Good to hear it is not the IC, and we now have a path to dig deeper trying to find the cause.

@abk thanks a lot for all the details and info.
@icpp any thoughts on what might be causing this?

@ktimam ,
I do not yet have a clue what it could be, but from above experiment we learned that:

  • it is not the IC, because it happens in regular wasmtime too
  • it is not the C++ Candid, because that was stripped out

What’s remaining as the potential cause of this issue:

  • the C++ code itself might have an issue that is only happening when compiling to wasm
  • perhaps the compiler is doing something wrong or we use a wrong combination of compile and link flags

We should to try to further simplify the test case to the point where we are 100% sure there is nothing wrong with the C++ code, and we can then reach out to the wasi-sdk community. I opened issues in that github repo before and they’re very responsive.

I also noticed there ia a pre-release of wasi-sdk 21, which upgrades the backend to LLVM 17.

It is worth to do a quick test with that version. You just never know…

@ktimam , @abk ,

Today, I ran into the heap out-of-bounds error while implementing the http_request_update method.

In my case, the issue was introduced when I used Orthogonal Persistence for a variable stored in the static/global memory, like this:

// This leads to heap out-of-bounds after call the http_request_update
// Orthogonally Persisted counter
uint64_t counter{0};

void http_request_update() {

I have used Orthogonal Persistence for much more complex cases, so I was really surprised by this error.
In all my other cases though, I only stored a pointer in the static/global memory, and dynamically allocate the memory in canister_init.

I updated my code to use that same approach, and then the heap out-of-bound error went away.

This is how the code looks that works:

file: canister.h

#pragma once
#include "wasm_symbol.h"
#include <memory>

// Self managed pointer to a wrapped uint64_t
class Counter {
  uint64_t counter;

extern Counter *p_counter;

void canister_init() WASM_SYMBOL_EXPORTED("canister_init");

file: canister.cpp

// Initialization of the canister
#include "canister.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <variant>

#include "ic_api.h"

// Orthogonally Persisted counter

Counter *p_counter{nullptr};

void canister_init() {
  IC_API ic_api(CanisterInit{std::string(__func__)}, false);

  // Create a Counter instance
  if (p_counter == nullptr) {
    IC_API::debug_print(std::string(__func__) + ": Creating Counter Instance.");
    p_counter = new (std::nothrow) Counter();
    if (p_counter == nullptr) {
      IC_API::trap("Allocation of p_counter failed");

file: …cpp

#include "canister.h"
void http_request_update() {
  if (p_counter) {

This does not explain what you are seeing, but perhaps sharing this example, related to use of the static/global memory for orthogonal persistence provides hints towards the solution.

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In your C++ code, are you storing any variables in static/global memory, similar to the counter?

If yes, can you replace it with a pointer approach, like p_counter?

Got it finally, “-Wl,-z,stack-size=1048576” was added to cpp_link_flags_defaults to increase stack size (clang defaults to a limited stack size when building wasm).
Many thanks @abk & @icpp , now we have a fully working physics engine running on ICP :fire:

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Awesome!!! :tada:

Congratulations @ktimam, to get the physics engine running on the IC. That is a huge milestone.

I am truly impressed with the grit you showed to battle through these hurdles. It takes that when you’re the first trying to do something, and we all learned a lot more about WASM along the way :slightly_smiling_face: