HashMap declaration : field ModuleIndex does not exist in type module

Hello everyone,

When trying to play with the EXT standard I was blocked with this build error, that I can’t understand why it happens in my code but not in the EXT token example code.

My code:

The original EXT example code. I’m trying to replicate the metadata structure.

ERC721 - note the following:
-No notifications (can be added)
-All tokenids are ignored
-You can use the canister address as the token id
-Memo is ignored
-No transferFrom (as transfer includes a from field)

import Cycles "mo:base/ExperimentalCycles";
import HashMap "mo:base/HashMap";
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
import Result "mo:base/Result";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";

//Get the path right
import AID "mo:ext/util/AccountIdentifier";
import ExtCore "Core";
import ExtCommon "mo:ext/Common";
import ExtNonFungible "mo:ext/NonFungible";

shared (install) actor class ExtNFT() = this {
  // Types
  type AccountIdentifier = ExtCore.AccountIdentifier;
  type SubAccount = ExtCore.SubAccount;
  type User = ExtCore.User;
  type Balance = ExtCore.Balance;
  type TokenIdentifier = ExtCore.TokenIdentifier;
  type TokenIndex  = ExtCore.TokenIndex ;
  type Extension = ExtCore.Extension;
  type CommonError = ExtCore.CommonError;
  type BalanceRequest = ExtCore.BalanceRequest;
  type BalanceResponse = ExtCore.BalanceResponse;
  type TransferRequest = ExtCore.TransferRequest;
  type TransferResponse = ExtCore.TransferResponse;
  type Metadata = ExtCommon.Metadata;
  type MintRequest  = ExtNonFungible.MintRequest ;
  private let EXTENSIONS : [Extension] = ["@ext/common", "@ext/nonfungible"];
  //State work
  private stable var _registryState : [(TokenIndex, AccountIdentifier)] = [];
  private var _registry : HashMap.HashMap<TokenIndex, AccountIdentifier> = HashMap.fromIter(_registryState.vals(), 0, ExtCore.TokenIndex.equal, ExtCore.TokenIndex.hash);
	private stable var _tokenMetadataState : [(TokenIndex, Metadata)] = [];
  private var _tokenMetadata : HashMap.HashMap<TokenIndex, Metadata> = HashMap.fromIter(_tokenMetadataState.vals(), 0, ExtCore.TokenIndex.equal, ExtCore.TokenIndex.hash);
  private stable var _supply : Balance  = 0;
  private stable var _minter : Principal  = install.caller;
  private stable var _nextTokenId : TokenIndex  = 0;

  //State functions
  system func preupgrade() {
    _registryState := Iter.toArray(_registry.entries());
    _tokenMetadataState := Iter.toArray(_tokenMetadata.entries());
  system func postupgrade() {
    _registryState := [];
    _tokenMetadataState := [];

	public shared(msg) func setMinter(minter : Principal) : async () {
		assert(msg.caller == _minter);
		_minter := minter;
  public shared(msg) func mintNFT(request : MintRequest) : async TokenIndex {
		assert(msg.caller == _minter);
    let receiver = ExtCore.User.toAID(request.to);
		let token = _nextTokenId;
		let md : Metadata = #nonfungible({
			metadata = request.metadata;
		_registry.put(token, receiver);
		_tokenMetadata.put(token, md);
		_supply := _supply + 1;
		_nextTokenId := _nextTokenId + 1;
  public shared(msg) func transfer(request: TransferRequest) : async TransferResponse {
    if (request.amount != 1) {
			return #err(#Other("Must use amount of 1"));
		if (ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.isPrincipal(request.token, Principal.fromActor(this)) == false) {
			return #err(#InvalidToken(request.token));
		let token = ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.getIndex(request.token);
    let owner = ExtCore.User.toAID(request.from);
    let spender = AID.fromPrincipal(msg.caller, request.subaccount);
    let receiver = ExtCore.User.toAID(request.to);
    switch (_registry.get(token)) {
      case (?token_owner) {
				if(AID.equal(owner, token_owner) == false) {
					return #err(#Unauthorized(owner));
				if (AID.equal(owner, spender) == false) {
					return #err(#Unauthorized(spender));
				_registry.put(token, receiver);
				return #ok(request.amount);
      case (_) {
        return #err(#InvalidToken(request.token));

  public query func getMinter() : async Principal {
  public query func extensions() : async [Extension] {
  public query func balance(request : BalanceRequest) : async BalanceResponse {
		if (ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.isPrincipal(request.token, Principal.fromActor(this)) == false) {
			return #err(#InvalidToken(request.token));
		let token = ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.getIndex(request.token);
    let aid = ExtCore.User.toAID(request.user);
    switch (_registry.get(token)) {
      case (?token_owner) {
				if (AID.equal(aid, token_owner) == true) {
					return #ok(1);
				} else {					
					return #ok(0);
      case (_) {
        return #err(#InvalidToken(request.token));
	public query func bearer(token : TokenIdentifier) : async Result.Result<AccountIdentifier, CommonError> {
		if (ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.isPrincipal(token, Principal.fromActor(this)) == false) {
			return #err(#InvalidToken(token));
		let tokenind = ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.getIndex(token);
    switch (_registry.get(tokenind)) {
      case (?token_owner) {
				return #ok(token_owner);
      case (_) {
        return #err(#InvalidToken(token));
	public query func supply(token : TokenIdentifier) : async Result.Result<Balance, CommonError> {
  public query func getRegistry() : async [(TokenIndex, AccountIdentifier)] {
  public query func getTokens() : async [(TokenIndex, Metadata)] {
  public query func metadata(token : TokenIdentifier) : async Result.Result<Metadata, CommonError> {
    if (ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.isPrincipal(token, Principal.fromActor(this)) == false) {
			return #err(#InvalidToken(token));
		let tokenind = ExtCore.TokenIdentifier.getIndex(token);
    switch (_tokenMetadata.get(tokenind)) {
      case (?token_metadata) {
				return #ok(token_metadata);
      case (_) {
        return #err(#InvalidToken(token));

  public query func getActor() : async Principal {

Can anyone help me?

ok I found out the solution. The EXT token standard implements in the Core a submodule called TokenIndex (which is ModuleIndex in my play) and that implements the equals and hash functions, which i thought were automatically applied from the Nat type.

Also, seems like Motoko doesn’t automatically import methods of primitive types like Nat and Nat32, so I added the import from mo:base/Nat to use Nat.equals