Grettings! I’m looking to get started building on the internet computer, and was wondering a few things:
- Where can I download dfx v0.7? I would like to begin taking a look at cancan to get an idea of how to architect internet-computer applications, but when i follow the commands on the official sdk it installs dfx 0.6.26.
- How do I apply to run a data center? I would like to deploy a few nodes to get a better idea of the full stack of developing and deploying scalable applications on the internet computer.
A bit about me, i’ve been helping many projects grow in the crypto space since 2013. I was one of the first Dogecoin miners, developed multiple Ethereum smart contracts that had over 300m+ in total locked value with no issues, and built multiple top 100 market cappers. Excited to see the internet computer realize the promise of what Ethereum original set out to do (become ‘the World Computer’), and enable developers like myself to build fully decentralized social networks.
Kudos to the team for getting it this far! I’ll try to document my process along the way and do my best to help out where I can
To answer my own question:
- DFX_VERSION=0.7.0-beta.6 sh -ci “$(curl -fsSL”