Good idea to change Internet Computer to World Computer Protocol?

Some in the community are putting out the idea to change ICP to World Computer or something along those lines. There’s even a proposal for it in the NNS - Proposal: 134346 - ICP Dashboard.

Some talk about it on X…

Caught my interest as I see World Computer now trending on X and even other crypto projects are bringing it up. Maybe this is the rebrand that ICP needs?!

I also talked about it on OpenChat and one big concern is the cost of rebranding and perhaps even the timing of doing so during a bull market. But then I weigh that against the potential hype and attention that would come around the rebrand and if the benefits from that would outweigh the risks.


  • What do you all think? Should ICP change its name to World Computer Protocol?
  • If so, when should they do it? (I assume that would take time to implement even if Dfinity approved it today)
  • For those that say no, do you see Internet Computer as a good name for what Dfinity is doing?
  • Any ideas on another name to replace ICP and the ticker symbol?

Let’s just keep it ICP please.


ICP is da wae. Indeed… :crossed_swords: :shield:


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But why?

Is the timing wrong? Or just simply don’t want drastic changes?

Personally, I luv the idea of changing Internet Computer to World Computer or something along those lines. People are frustrated that ICP is not getting the attention it deserves, and that’s even in the context of recent talks on World Computer by the leader of the 2nd biggest crypto project by (Vitalik).

I don’t view this as a right or wrong issue, but just one of style, marketing, and messaging. I think World Computer is more catchy and having that as a ticker would make it easier to bring attention to ICP.

Of course, this name change might cost Dfinity a pretty penny, but I wonder if the potential benefit it will receive from the hype and attention can just offset the costs for rebranding. It’s never a bad idea to improve on brand at some level, imo. I’d leave it to Dfinity of course to decide on the best time for the name rebranding - maybe after the release of!


Here’s some other ticker ideas:

  1. GCP = Global Computer Platform proposed by Jay Nolan

  2. or just have WC as the ticker.

  3. Scott brings up $World as being the ticker

  4. Instead of WCP, just use WC for short! Use WC as the ticker even if name becomes World Computer Protocol.

A good process would be to get a top 3 list of names and vote on them.

A good process would be FIRST to establish a very clear SWOT analysis emphasising on the drawbacks

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Horrible idea, only reason why some people want it is because they want to reach price goal they set (short term traders). Rebranding is bad, no matter the project, and it will be real pain for people who build and built projects on ICP.
During bull run price is pumped up by VC and other big institutions, no matter the project. DO NOT expect big price increase before all seed unlocks done. There is no point pumping money to seed investors.


Extremely cringy proposal, it makes us look desperate. All because Vitalik did not acknowledge ICP as a world computer. I vote No! This add no value to the protocol.

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It is a bad idea. Voted no.

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No. Internet Computer is just fine and even more descriptive. It will not change much

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I believe it could make a big difference to change name if the defi crypto establishment has defined a World Computer concept - that is understood, announced and respected by them. I have not read the World Computer article by Vitalik, but why are we ICP-fans saying the we are developing a “world computer” and calling it an “Internet Computer”? And how would you feel if Vitalik or Solana next week announced that they renamed them-selves to World Computer Protocol, because they are able to do that now that they have defined and publicised the vision. I vote Yes. Lets own the World Computer narrative. Keep the ticker ICP but rebrand to World Computer Protocol and use the event as the opportunity to communicate much clearer our mission - AND please stop trash talking about other chains. We want them to build on ICP, not steal the tech.

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I suggest just dropping the P in the ticker to IC. Microsoft does not call itself OS. Google does not call itself Search Engine. Bitcoin does not call itself Store of Value. Very terrible move. We should just remove the P since it is confused with a group of clowns and also it still reads Internet Computer. Our work should be apparent by how good it is not using some gimmicks that will only show desperation and result in us being mocked again

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I like “World Computer” more, but “ICP” token name should not be changed.

Voted yes. Brilliant proposal, wonderful name :sparkling_heart:
And it is always shocking to witness how great technologists and engineers just refuse or cannot understand how important marketing is… it seems to be to painful for their intellectual pride, but dear ppl, marketing is even more important than the product or tech. It took me a long time and pain to accept this fact.


Agreed! I see the discussion here as a sort of SWOT analysis done by the community.

Well not to sound too Hollywood-like about this, but ICP lacks some style. They are just too technical and that is a drawback in terms of messaging and marketing. We need to draw in everyone and not just techies.

Sure, releasing a good Ai dapp that’s in demand can lead to mass adoption. But I think there’s another way to draw people in even without them having to use ICP or read through a difficult White paper - and that’s with the brand name!

Just imagine just one or two words in a brand name can get people’s attention and get the message across. Might be cheaper than spending all of the money with all of the other marketing stuff they are doing, and it’s definitely EASIER. Just a name change… Remove “internet” and replace it with “World”.


It’s interesting to think about why ICP is not “World Computer Protocol”, even though Dominic envisioned the concept of a “World Computer” from day one.

ICP is designed as a protocol that complements traditional TCP/IP, extending its functionality to enable a distributed computer operating over the Internet. Its goal is to transform the Internet from being just a communication network for sharing information into a computing platform. This is why it is named the Internet Computer Protocol. (Correct me if I’m wrong!)

The term “World Computer” feels more abstract. For example, a quantum computer could be referred to as a “World Computer” in a different context, and some even suggest that the world itself might be a simulation running on a computer. Personally, I love the clear and descriptive nature of ICP :smile: