File Server Canister!

People of the World Computer community!

At the time of the post of this bounty:, I started working on the File Server Canister.

Now it is set for the use!

It is live here:!

Key Features:

  • Users can create one or many of their own file servers!
  • Each File Server is it’s own canister!
  • Sync the file tree of a server with a local folder and serve it live on the blockchain!
  • Files are certified using certified queries!
  • Browse the files and directories of the servers!
  • Click and share the link of a server to serve an html/website file tree!
  • Create and manage your servers in a simple UI!

Questions and comments are welcome!



Hi Everyone!

The File Server Canister system is now for sale!

I’m looking for an individual or team that wants to take this and grow it into a one stop shop for frontend and file server hosting on the internet-computer platform.

The file server canister system contains many possibilities for generating revenue such as charging customers per month for frontend or file hosting.

Purchase contains:

  • The source code of the main canister and user canisters.
  • The controllership of the main canister and user canisters.
  • An Architecture overview and management directions.

5% commission for a successful referral! If you know someone who wants this, send them this way and you will earn 5%.

Send me a direct message on this forum with an offer.

Thanks :pray:!


If you know someone good for this, you can earn 5% commission!

hi levi,
great project project, just added to the curated list: Internet Computer Loading


Hi, cool thanks, looks good.