Femverse : The First girls-only Tiktok-like social media platform on ICP

Hello there, we are Femverse DAO, a community dedicated to building and growing the Femverse Daap. Our platform, Femverse, is a girls-only social media app similar to TikTok built on ICP.


Recognizing that parents in higher income brackets prioritize the same-sex environment for their children especially girls and with the increasing case of online bullying plus declining mental health among young girls, we at Femverse recognize the need for single-sex social media platforms. We expect Femverse to become the preferred platform for girls as we build it, starting with affluent parents.

Invest 5 ICP and receive 100,000 Femverse tokens (FVS). Through our project page on funded.app, - Funded - Crowdfund the future

Get free Femverse tokens when you join our Discord community - FemVerse's server


Cyberbullying has become a major problem in today’s culture, particularly for young girls. Parents can shield their daughters from the harmful effects of cyberbullying by getting Femverse for them. By restricting access to the platform to girls alone, there is no chance that outsiders or bullies will target them. In order to provide a secure and encouraging environment for girls to engage online, Femverse also enforces stringent community norms and moderation.

High-income parents are increasingly choosing private schools with only one gender. These schools frequently provide girls a more concentrated and encouraging environment where they can flourish both academically and socially. These parents may provide their girls with an online area that is safe and supportive by getting Femverse for them. This will guarantee that their daughters have an amazing and empowering experience in all facets of their lives.

Femverse is a complete solution for parents who wish to give their daughters the greatest education and support network possible, not just a social media site. It tackles issues related to cyberbullying, supports girls’ potential and mental health, and builds a strong community where girls may interact and develop as a group. Femverse is a clever and successful platform for parents to invest in for their daughters, and they are all very good reasons for higher-income parents to do so.


Capitalizing on the growing awareness of the importance of same-sex interactions for children’s social and emotional development among high-income parents, we plan to introduce a premium subscription for Femverse at a reasonable price of $5 per month. This will offer exclusive features and benefits, making the platform more appealing to these parents.

We are also considering launching a free tier version of Femverse, supported by advertisement revenue. This will make the platform accessible to a wider audience.

To further incentivize users and content creators, we will introduce Femverse tokens, which can be earned by creating, uploading, liking, and commenting on videos. This will not only enhance the user’s experience but also promote engagement and growth on the platform, similar to the popular web3 social media dapps.

Important links.

Femverse landing page - https://fem-verselanding.vercel.app/

Funded.app campaign - Funded - Crowdfund the future

Femverse Discord ( Join our discord and get Free Femverse tokens - only the first 500 members) - FemVerse's server

American Foreign Service Association. (2016, June). All Girls, All Boys, All Good—The Benefits of Single-Sex Education. The Foreign Service Journal. All Girls, All Boys, All Good—The Benefits of Single-Sex Education | The Foreign Service Journal - June 2016

Ducharme, J., & Nicholls, D. (2019, August 13). Social Media Hurts Girls More Than Boys | TIME. Time. Retrieved January 23, 2024, from Social Media Hurts Girls More Than Boys | TIME

New Study Shows Girls More Likely To Be Harmed Using Social Media Than Boys. (n.d.). Cybersmile. Retrieved January 23, 2024, from New Study Shows Girls More Likely To Be Harmed Using Social Media Than Boys

Rice, E., Petering, R., Rhodes, H., Winetrobe, H., Goldbach, J., Plant, A., Montoya, J., & Kordic, T. (2015, March). Cyberbullying Perpetration and Victimization Among Middle-School Students. National Library of Medicine. PMC4330864

2 in 3 Parents Report Their Child Has Been Negatively Affected by Social Media. (2023, September 14). PR Newswire. Retrieved January 23, 2024, from 2 in 3 Parents Report Their Child Has Been Negatively Affected by Social Media

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Where is the app? You’ve provided a landing page hosted on Vercel with broken links.


hello @NathanosDev

We have been doing alot of research especially on whether the daap , especially if its something people might want. We built an initial prototype (tiktok-clone on solana) and tried to deploy it on icp using fleek.

We tried numerous deploy attempts.

After numerous attempt at deploy we got the following error.

We have deployed several other dapps succesfully using fleek and have never encountered any issue.

We were able to deploy the landing page and tiktok clone on vercel

Landing link - FemVerse
Femverse link - https://tiktok-clone-youtube.vercel.app/

Since the app failed to deploy on fleek we guess its the reason why the links are broken

There are several reasons why we have not yet built the Dapp on ICP. They are ;

  1. Imitating what most succesfull projects have done - most succesfull projects in the blockchain space started by ensuring there is demand first before creating the product, we are trying to make sure we have demand first before creating the product . The biggest weakness has always early investors getting scammed thats why wea are using funded.app (to make it safe)
  2. Limited resources - building a daap usually costs time and money, we have to make sure what we are building will have paying costumers so that everyone involved gets a positive ROI.
  3. We are raising through funded.app - to launch a project using funded , teams have to go through a KYC process. This means that legal action can be taken against those who dont deliver projects as stated.

Thank you for taking an interest in our dapp. We understand that building something that people truly want is a great challenge and we believe in tackling the tough tasks first. We will keep you informed about any updates and thank you for your patience as we work to fix the broken links. Your understanding is greatly appreciated and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

A couple of questions:

  1. Thinking of investment protection - What prevents some one like Hot or Not just forking an version of their already developed platform to cater to a vertical market such as female only? Their development costs would be near zero and they have a proven platform. Did you consider entering into a business arrangement with them instead of building something that already exists (except for the restricted demographic)?

  2. Web3 is extremely difficult to determine who is who. What prevents someone from infiltrating your network who does not match your membership criteria?.

  3. You are seeking 300,000 ICP. Is there a roadmap and are you and your team fully doxed?

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  1. hot or not would need to change their whole business model to do what femverse does. they would need things like the voting features which made them famous in the first place. In femverse every action like like ,creating ,commenting on posts will mint tokens which is different from how femverse will work. The issue of forking is a major problem with blockchain projects no one has been able to solve, even Uniswap has more than 5 clones.

  2. legit.id is coming to ICP in 2024 , these decentralized identity providers will help KYCing customers before they sign up an account.

  3. We are raising 300 ICP to gauge interest and pefomed the necessary KYC processes with funded.app.

What a concept from proof of humanity to proof of female. ICP will fix the transgender debate in one fell swoop! Good work femverse


Lol, we need to create a containment chamber for these roast beef sandwiches

Totally agree—Femverse sounds like a smart idea, especially when it comes to creating safer spaces for girls online. I’m also really into tools that help with self-awareness and personal growth. One thing that helped me was this test that gives some perspective on where you stand sexually. It’s not deep science, but it’s eye-opening and kind of fun. If you’re into learning more about yourself, check this out: https://psycho-tests.com/test/rice-purity-test.

I can’t wait to join, fellow women!

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Right because teenage girls never bully eachother.


All jokes aside good luck with your project.

This must be a joke.

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Leveraging an existing code base and refining it is may be less expensive than starting from scratch.


Right but that would require them to have an actual product with real users and not just a looping reel of less than 100 videos, with fake or unused accounts.

I understand your point, but just to clarify—I was referring specifically to the code base itself, not the product or user base. My comment was about the potential cost savings of refining an existing technical foundation rather than building from scratch. I appreciate the discussion!


Fair enough,

I give the integrity of their codebase(htornot yral) the same rating as the integrity of their founders (ZERO). You must be under a rock this week.

@FemVerse sorry for highjacking your thread, im done now.

I always appreciate kind remarks and courtesy - my comments were written a year ago. Sounds like you may have some history on this matter with the principals. Hope it works out for you.


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Idk why people are interacting with this a year later, but the project is inactive and the funding window closed long ago. I’m going to archive this. The Femverse team is free to open a new thread or request this one is re-opened if they are still around.