Failed update call status 400 Bad Request

When I enter “” to check my wallet, it requires me to execute : dfx canister --network ic call “hs4zk-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx” authorize ‘(principal “gtndg-4cf5m-aaems-ap74c-ien4q-***********”)’. But when I truly follow the order, it just keeps reporting error.

chris@JJ-laptop:~$ dfx canister --network ic status "hs4zk-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx"
WARN: The default identity is not stored securely. Do not use it to control a lot of cycles/ICP. Create a new identity with `dfx identity create` and use it in mainnet-facing commands with the `--identity` flag
Canister status call result for hs4zk-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx.
Status: Running
Controllers: khnfw-*****

chris@JJ-laptop:~$ dfx canister --network ic call "khnfw-*****" authorize '(principal "ubjvx-^^^^")' --identity Chris
Please enter the passphrase for your identity: [hidden]
Decryption complete.
Error: Failed update call.
Caused by: Failed update call.
  The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 400 Bad Request, content type "text/plain; charset=utf-8", content: subnet_not_found

chris@JJ-laptop:~$ dfx canister --network ic call "khnfw-*****" authorize '(principal "ubjvx-^^^^")' --identity Chris
Please enter the passphrase for your identity: [hidden]
Decryption complete.
Error: Failed update call.
Caused by: Failed update call.
  The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 400 Bad Request, content type "text/plain; charset=utf-8", content: subnet_not_found

chris@JJ-laptop:~/ic-projects/token$ dfx canister --network ic status "ubjvx-^^^^"
Please enter the passphrase for your identity: [hidden]
Decryption complete.
Error: Failed to get canister status for "ubjvx-^^^^".
Caused by: Failed to get canister status for "ubjvx-^^^^"'.
  Failed to get canister status of ubjvx-^^^^.
    Failed to call update function 'canister_status' regarding canister "ubjvx-^^^^".
      Update call (without wallet) failed.
        The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 400 Bad Request, content type "text/plain; charset=utf-8", content: subnet_not_found

How should I deal with this problem? Any help will be appreciated.

What wallet do you have this error with?


This is about the cycles wallet

This tells me that you may be mixing up principals somehow. And the CLI log you show contains very different principals from the one you originally pasted with the instructions. You shouldn’t need to do more than simply copy/paste the command you see in the browser into your command line