Failed to read user input

krisnapp@LAPTOP-VR7BBH4T:~/codefest$ mo-dev --deploy -y
(node:10850) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The punycode module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use node --trace-deprecation ... to show where the warning was created)
8:44:06 PM [mo-dev] backend →
Error: Failed to create AgentEnvironment.
Caused by: Failed to create AgentEnvironment for network ‘local’.
Caused by: Failed to load identity
Caused by: Failed to instantiate identity
Caused by: Failed to load PEM
Caused by: Failed to load PEM file from file
Caused by: Failed to decrypt PEM file at /home/krisnapp/.config/dfx/identity/krisnapp/identity.pem.encrypted
Caused by: Failed to read user input
Caused by: IO error: not a terminal
Caused by: not a terminal

Is there any solution without removing my current identity that is using passphrase? I’m using WSL terminal by the way.

If you’re deploying to your local, there’s likely no need for an encrypted passphrase protected dfx identity.

You could create and switch between another additional dfx identity without a passphrase for local development.

Looking at the mo-dev project, I don’t see a way to pass a dfx identity passphrase at first glance.