Dfx deploy --network ic error

Hey, I want to deploy a website following Hosting a static website on the Internet Computer | Internet Computer

But it seems that cannot work while I type
dfx deploy --network ic

error is as below:

Error: Failed to create AgentEnvironment. Caused by: Failed to create AgentEnvironment. Failed to create AgentEnvironment for network 'ic'. Failed to load identity: Failed to instantiate identity: Failed to load PEM: Failed to load PEM file from file : Failed to read pem file: Failed to read /Users/daijianlin/.config/dfx/identity/default/identity.pem: Permission denied (os error 13)
it was working when I first used this about two years ago, but now not working.

Who can help me?

Are you deploying as the same user that installed dfx?
Make sure your permissions to the .config dir are read/writable by your user

I am using the same computer, don’t know how to make sure my permission to the .config dir are read/writable. Is there a guide of how to do so?