Executed Proposal Voted Are Not Going Through Even Before Expiration Time

I am trying to vote on several executed proposal to get my voting rewards since the proposal itself tells me that I’m able to vote for reward purposes before the expired time, but it doesn’t go through. Each time I vote accept, it still shows that i can still vote again on the same proposal which doesnt make sense which allow me to click accept numerous time. I went to the dashboard to see on voted proposal and it doenst show up. NONE OF THE FOLLOWING SCENARIOS APPLY. PLEASE HELP. I even have a video demonstrating what is happening.

There could be several reasons why you’re unable to vote on a proposal with your neuron on the Internet Computer. Here are some possible scenarios:

  1. Neuron Age and Dissolve Delay: If your neuron was created after the proposal was submitted, or if it had a dissolve delay of less than 6 months at the time the proposal was submitted, it is not eligible to vote on that proposal. Even if you increase the dissolve delay later, it won’t affect the eligibility for that specific proposal (source).

  2. Voting Power: The voting power of a neuron can change based on its dissolve delay, stake, and age. The governance takes all of this information at the exact moment when the proposal was submitted. So, if your neuron did not have enough dissolve delay at the time when the proposal was created, it will not be considered for this proposal (source).

  3. Following a Neuron: If you’ve configured your neuron to follow another neuron, you can vote at any time before your followee has voted. However, once your followee has voted, you cannot override the followee’s vote ([source](

  4. Voting Period: Each proposal has an associated voting period, which determines the period of time over which votes for this proposal are accepted. If the voting period has ended, you won’t be able to vote ([source]

If none of these scenarios apply and you’re still unable to vote, it could be a technical issue. In such cases, it’s best to reach out to the DFINITY support or community for further assistance.

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Hi @HofZion - could you share the video?

Also, the links (that say ‘source’) in your post aren’t working for me. They’re simply not working as links.

Am I allowed to send videos here? I’m new to the forum, but it says I can only only send pics.

Maybe a link to the video?

It wont allow me to send link on this post which is unfortunate, just pictures. I place it on my Youtube channel as a short.

Maybe if youtube “For Dfinity - Executed proposal Won’t allow for Votes”

Is this the video?

Yes, this is correct. I voted time and time again in all executed proposals and it did not go through even when votes were allowed for reward purposes before the expiration time. The accept and the reject button would continuously appear for me to vote for the vote not be executed. I also checked my dashboard to see where my neuron voted on those particular executed proposals and it did not show up unfortunately. It happened to my brother as well, so it’s not only on my end. Thanks for getting back to me.