Earth Wallet ICP lost

The earth wallet no longer supports the icp network, how can I recover my crypto?

Hi @SharpexLab,

I’d suggest contacting the Earth Wallet support team.

Hope you’ll be able to recover your funds.

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Hi, were you able to contact them? If yes, via which platform? Did they solve it?
I have the same problem.
Thank you.

Ok for those who may have the same problem I successfully recover ICP by inserting seed phrase into Plug wallet. From there you will be able to work with your account normally. No need to write to their support.
Just make sure you inserting a seed phrase into official plug wallet interface.

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I installed plug wallet with my seed phrase, it works but my tokens are not there :frowning:

It´s strange. It worked for me. Make sure is the really a correct seed phrase. It´s really a case sensitive. Also check icpexplorer if you still have your tokens on that particular wallet that was linked to Earth wallet.

If that doesn´t help. I found this solution via Appstore/Android store you will be to access their Telegram channel. There is a support tap and you can join and write it there.

It would be good to have it documented somewhere how the various wallets that exist or existed derive their account ids from the mnemonic phrase. And which ones are identical and which ones aren’t.

I tested Earth wallet against Plug and they have equal derivation. Then I tested Stoic wallet and it is different (it probably uses a different key type).

Does anyone have other wallets that we can test?

Here’s a sample menmonic: hair guilt comic still lesson helmet glare material avocado venue giggle essence and here are the principals:

Plug: wgovh-5cllt-icsap-s5i4s-texol-mdi2u-jbcqb-36ugz-wyaqb-b3avy-qae
Stoic: 72e7m-uwtfj-bnt4i-6vc5t-ro27m-x5vvu-fkmc2-lsv6w-m5mqs-w4wce-cae

and account ids:

Earth: c87fcc430d926ea05c912c2b058ccd58744e0e9d6001fda719b316ce8e1a0ecd
Plug: c87fcc430d926ea05c912c2b058ccd58744e0e9d6001fda719b316ce8e1a0ecd
Stoic: 8e993c5a807d4d3980430741a6299d2289445772814a32952dc5885e4ff2a2f1

What are other wallets we can compare?

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And I wrote down the words of my wallet, now I tried to restore my wallet, but I found that the Earth wallet no longer supports icp currency.
I recovered the words in a few other wallets but unfortunately my currencies are missing. After researching about my value, I found out that the addresses have been changed

After checking, I realized that after recovering my wallet, the addresses of the wallets are not the same

Addresses after wallet recovery :



The address where I deposited my currency:


Please help me get my money back

Which wallets exactly have you tried?

Have you tried Plug? According to my previous research Plug was compatible with Earth.

Yes, but unfortunately, after entering the words, the address of the wallet was changed