We have several API endpoints which were added early on to the NNS Governance canister. These endpoints support protobuf arguments (as opposed to Candid).
We would like to deprecate and eventually remove them, as part of ongoing efforts to simplify our codebase to make future features easier to develop.
Do you use any of the following methods? manage_neuron_pb list_proposals_pb list_neurons_pb
Are there any blockers preventing you from migrating to use the Candid equivalent?
Yes, that is on our radar, but we don’t yet have a timeline. I would like to make that happen, as our APIs being only in Candid would simplify maintenance quite a bit.
From my JS perspective, protobuf is pain to work with and bad for performance, so I’m glad to hear it’s on your radar.
Please let me know when you decide to move away from it. I had a hard time integrating the NNS canister in Juno developer environment, so I’d appreciate a heads-up on any breaking changes—which I’ll be happy to integrate!