DFINITY Education: Web Development

Hello all,

We’re excited to share the fourth topic in our open-source educational series about developing on the IC. As we’ve previously shared, DFINITY Education is an effort to help students get up-to-speed with IC development through the lens of traditional computer science concepts. These repos include several modules and are meant to serve as the backbone for educators looking to build out their own computer science coursework offerings.

This month’s content is centered around Web Development on the IC, where we provide sample activities that culminate in the creation of an open auction platform.

Module 1 serves as an intro to this unit, providing a primer for web development by reviewing canister messaging, HTTP requests, cycles, and autonomous canisters. Module 2 introduces students to the idea of an open auction platform and completes the majority of the backend required for such a project. In Module 3, students connect their backend code with a frontend accessible via browser. Finally, Module 4 has students implement an autonomous governance canister that acts as the decentralized arbiter of our auction platform’s feature upgrades.

Please take a look through these modules, and feel free to me or @roast_beef with any questions or suggestions you have. We’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts!