I have an authenticated user in my dapp that owns some ICP.
Via the AuthClient I retrieve the authenticated identity and derive the principal (e.g.): authClient.getIdentity().getPrincipal()
When I use this principal to query the ledger balance it returns 0, because the ICP is owned by the wallet canister. But there seems to be no function on how I can retrieve the wallet canister principal.
The solution can’t be that the user has to manually tell me the canister id, right?
After doing some research and checking a couple of dapps, it seems like I am forced to use either use an external wallet here or build some sort of own wallet because I cannot reach the “native” wallet. is that correct? If so, I would be interested in the reasoning for this design decision
I want to help, can you help me understand the goal? Abstractly, everything with a principal is a wallet. Principals can be converted to Account Ids, which can have ICP, so a Principal can receive ICP.
The goal is “simple” : I want to have access to the ICP of an authenticated user via Internet Identity.
I have an Identity Anchor with X ICP when i log onto the nns dapp.
However, if I use the same Identity Anchor to log into my own dapp, for some reason the identity has a different principal than the one that is shown to me in the nns dapp.
Therefore I can’t access the ICP on the ledger because the different principal leads to a differen accountId.
Internet Identity strifes to be an anonymous authentication system, i.e. every application gets a new principal such that the user can’t be correlated. That’s why you have different principals (and hence other ledger accounts) on the NNS dApp and your application.