Custom Domain using Boundary Nodes method


I’d like to share an experience we recently encountered while implementing a custom domain for our website.

Initially, we opted for the “Boundary node method” to configure the custom domain, and everything seemed to be running smoothly. However, some of the community members from specific geographic locations, such as Singapore, Korea, Germany, Switzerland, reported issues accessing the website.

Upon investigating and consulting with developers about challenges associated with boundary nodes, we made a decision to try the second method – “Using Hosting Service worker separately.” The result was positive, resolving the accessibility concerns.

We believe this insight could prove beneficial for fellow projects, potentially saving them valuable time. Additionally, it serves as a test finding for the Boundary node team.

Warm Regards


Hey @TusharGuptaMm

Thanks a lot for your feedback! We are sorry to hear that the custom domains feature didn’t work for you as intended. It would be great if you had more detailed insights into the type of issues your community members were facing.

In general, the geographical distribution of the boundary nodes is not as good as it should be. There is very good coverage in Europe and North America. All of Asia’s traffic is served through boundary nodes located in Singapore. This can entail additional latency depending on where the user’s are located.


Hello @rbirkner,

Certainly, I comprehend that the boundary node functionality is a work in progress, and perfection takes time. Several users have reported difficulties accessing before we moved to Service worker method.

Error screenshots attached:

Location “Nigeria”

Location “Korea”

FYI, we use Godaddy as our domain provider.

Please let me know if I can assist with any additional details. Thanks for your ongoing efforts!