Creating a proposal

Those are all good points that you’re considering. It’s good to have them in mind as early as possible. It’s also good to hear that this could be such a learning experience for you, in regard to your project. It’s always good to find the positive in something.
As far as the initial conversation, when the time’s right, it might be best to start with a forum survey to get a feel for the community’s view/feelings about this. What do you think?

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I moved to DM until the next formal post… so other members don’t get ticked off by this long-winded conversation lol

Just in case you turned DMs off lol

@diegop can you help me track down a couple of questions related to the patent as it pertains to this scenario and forum thread/individual issue?

The patent on the government system on the IC looks like it should be able to create the feature of a freeze function.

The patent also suggests that the IC can moderate itself and remove illegal content correct?

If this individual can prove (have their investigator reach out and provide adequate information on the cybercrime and prove its validity) would it not be a reasonable request for this individual to ask the NNS to actively seize the stake of a poorly performing service provider? (see Moderation section)

“Moderation allows the blockchain community to police itself. The community can vote to seize stake of a poorly performing service provider, de-register a service provider, or boot a service provider from the active set. In the context of storage, this could also be used to delete illegal content from a blobber”


if this becomes a “poorly performing neuron” due to it being stolen and therefore presumably won’t be voting during its dissolve period. Would it not be safe to assume the NNS could seize the stake?

Who gets to say what a poorly performing neuron is? the ones who actively vote or vote by following?

What is or who is defined as a service provider? If the service provider is considered a stakeholder then this individual would be considered a service provider and stakeholder however, if the assets and their II were stolen would the NNS not have the ability to seize that II and respective asset? Or would this require an actual legal request? If so, what’s the point of the NNS or governing system in place for the sake of governance at all?

Who defines what content or dapp/ blobber is considered illegal and then must be removed or seized? Can anything running on a node in the USA be taken down? Can the USA request a dapp running on a node in say China or Switzerland be taken down due to its content being illegal in the USA? However, in China or Switzerland, it’s okay so is there a way to block users? or is it that if sent a request to take down illegal content needs to be met with the immediate removal of the content in any of the locations of the nodes?

Or can the boundary nodes limit what countries have access to what dapps?

Furthermore, if node providers are able to see all of the data hosted on their respective nodes/ data centers wouldn’t it be safe to assume that those data providers could be held liable, or are at serious risk if they don’t comply?

Should this individual request his investigator submit a request to freeze the stake and asset based on all of the above?

“Feature Requests. Beyond configuration changes or moderation, the community may wish to make more sweeping changes to the blockchain protocol. Our voting mechanism can also be used for these changes, though it is advisory only.”

This section as well…

He could ask the community for the feature… but would he really need to? or since he’s in the USA and this patent pertains to Dfinity USA… He could just have authorities reach out and ask the community to seize this stake right?

Would appealing as a poorly performing neuron make this easier? Will their inactive voting since it was stolen be enough and have enough time to have the community say, “okay its poorly performing we can now actively seize it.”

Or, just flat out seize it as “illegal content” much like a blobber would have the canisters and node seized if it were part of a larger illegal operation

Final note… if the the NNS operates outside the scope of the patent established by the third-party developer hired/ used for the consensus mechanism would they then possibly forfeit their rights to the original patent design?

Then anyone could quickly file a patent with the same design label it their design and if they submit it before the third-party developer it could be problematic.

You’d think I wouldn’t have to ask all this but there are bad actors everywhere…

this is all for educational purposes

If the IC/Dfinity no longer are affiliated or use the technology stated in this patent I apologize…

For what it’s worth… this is one of the many reasons I advocate for some type of legal rep. on the forum. Just would be great to not to pester you about it… but have (what I feel are) valid questions answered…

re: diegop I like your point/question here. What’s the point of the NNS or governing system in place for the sake of governance at all? All the NNS can do is verify what I’m claiming and just tell me “Sorry. We can’t help you.” Well, then who can?

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Yeah… it’s all about having people respond. Most people don’t like what I say on the forum because it’s all legal nonsense and this community thinks the tech can be a solid work around from idk governments that have been bending people over for 100s of years not since 2016 or a little before

Honestly the point of the governance system and all these little “toys” on the IC is for show… no ones willing to test them in court except dom so who knows if any of what’s done here will hold up in court.

Also, I’m all about learning how to copyright my work, looking into having my work patented and covering myself legally… so

Find all the patent info you can on the mechanisms in place for the IC read them over and see how each is applied to your situation give that to your investigator. Especially the consensus mechanisms in place. Don’t use anything “wiki” related where anyone can pitch in. Get verified legal documents that were filed with the US patent services anything copyrighted and protected. Read it all and give that

Final note. Don’t think the government or agencies are going to be any more helpful. Prepare to be bent over by them as well. I mean either ways you’re about to get fd