ClassPlus - A motoko class for classes


A Motoko library designed to reduce boilerplate when instantiating and managing class-like objects within actor classes. ClassPlus enables developers to create modular, upgrade-friendly classes that leverage stable variables for persistence across upgrades.


  • DFX Version: Requires DFX 0.24.0 or later.


mops add class-plus


ClassPlus simplifies the process of defining and managing objects in actor classes by:

  1. Reducing Boilerplate: It minimizes repetitive code for constructing and maintaining objects.
  2. Supporting Upgrades: Ensures objects can be reconstituted from stable variables after an upgrade.
  3. Encapsulating Complexity: Provides a unified interface for initialization, state management, and environment configuration.

ClassPlus objects are instantiated with a predefined structure and integrate seamlessly into actor classes.


Core Concepts

  1. State: The shape of the class’s state, stored in stable variables, must be composed of stable-compatible types.
  2. Environment: Optional environment variables passed to the class for contextual operations.
  3. Initialization: Initialization logic, including setup and configuration, can be provided during class creation.

Class Definition

To define a class compatible with ClassPlus, follow this structure:

Example Class Definition

public class AClass(stored: ?State, caller: Principal, canister: Principal, args: ?InitArgs, _environment: ?Environment, onStateChange: (State) -> ()) {
    // Define the initial state.
    public let state = switch(stored) {
        case (?val) val;
        case (null) initialState();

    // Notify about state changes.

    // Capture environment settings.
    let environment: Environment = switch(_environment) {
        case (?val) val;
        case (null) D.trap("No Environment Set");

    // Apply initial arguments, if provided.
    switch (args) {
        case (?val) {
            if (state.message == "Uninitialized") {
                state.message := val.messageModifier;
        case (null) {};

    // Define class methods.
    public func message(): Text {
        state.message # " from canister " # Principal.toText(canister) # " created by " # Principal.toText(caller);

    public func setMessage(x: Text): () {
        state.message := x;

Required Definitions

  1. State: Define the structure of the class’s state.

    public type State = {
        var message: Text;
  2. Environment: Define any environment variables (optional).

    public type Environment = {
        thisActor: actor {
            auto_init: () -> async ();
  3. initialState: Define default state values.

    public func initialState(): State = {
        var message = "Uninitialized";
  4. InitArgs: Define any arguments required for initialization (optional).

    public type InitArgs = {
        messageModifier: Text;

Instantiating the Class in an Actor

Use the ClassPlus library to simplify instantiation and initialization within an actor.

Example Actor Definition

import AClassLib "aclass";
import ClassPlus "../";

shared ({ caller = _owner }) actor class Token () = this {
    type AClass = AClassLib.AClass;
    type State = AClassLib.State;
    type InitArgs = AClassLib.InitArgs;
    type Environment = AClassLib.Environment;

    let initManager = ClassPlus.ClassPlusInitializationManager(_owner, Principal.fromActor(this), true);

    stable var aClass_state: State = AClassLib.initialState();

    let aClass = AClassLib.Init<system>({
        manager = initManager;
        initialState = aClass_state;
        args = ?({ messageModifier = "Hello World" });
        pullEnvironment = ?(func() : Environment {
                thisActor = actor(Principal.toText(Principal.fromActor(this)));
        onInitialize = ?(func(newClass: AClassLib.AClass): async* () {
            D.print("Initializing AClass");
        onStorageChange = func(new_state: State) {
            aClass_state := new_state;

    public shared func getMessage(): async Text {

    public shared func SetMessage(x: Text): async () {

    private shared func initStuff(): async* (){
      //add init logic here


ClassPlus Library API

Modules and Classes


Handles initialization and tracking of ClassPlus objects.

  • Constructor: ClassPlusInitializationManager(_owner: Principal, _canister: Principal, autoTimer: Bool)

    • _owner: The principal of the actor owner.
    • _canister: The principal of the canister where the object resides.
    • autoTimer: Automatically initialize objects on a timer.
  • Methods:

    • initialize(): async* ()
      • Executes initialization logic for all registered classes.
  • Members

    • calls: Buffer.Buffer(() ->async*()
      • queue up functions to call during initialization by adding them to the calls buffer. They will be executed in the order you add them.


Encapsulates logic for creating and managing a class instance.

  • Constructor: ClassPlus<system, T, S, A, E>(config: {...})

    • manager: Instance of ClassPlusInitializationManager.
    • initialState: Initial state of the class.
    • constructor: Constructor function for the class.
    • args: Optional initialization arguments.
    • pullEnvironment: Function to retrieve environment variables.
    • onInitialize: Optional initialization logic.
    • onStorageChange: Callback for state updates.
  • Methods:

    • get(): T
      • Retrieves the class instance, creating it if necessary.
    • initialize(): async* ()
      • Performs any setup logic for the class.
    • getState(): S
      • Retrieves the current state.
    • getEnvironment(): ?E
      • Retrieves the environment, initializing it if necessary.

Helper Functions


Simplifies retrieval of a class instance.

public func ClassPlusGetter<T, S, A, E>(x: ?ClassPlus<T, S, A, E>): () -> T;


Constructs initialization logic for a class.

public func BuildInit<system, T, S, A, E>(Constructor: (...)): (...) -> ();

Advantages of ClassPlus

  • Reduced Boilerplate: Eliminates repetitive code in actor classes.
  • Upgrade-Safe: Ensures class objects can be reconstituted from stable variables.
  • Modular and Organized: Provides a clear structure for defining and managing classes.
  • Automatic Initialization: Built-in timer management simplifies initialization.

This library is ideal for projects requiring modular, upgrade-friendly object management in Motoko. By leveraging ClassPlus, developers can focus more on functionality and less on boilerplate code.


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Just rolled it out to the Pan Industrial NFT Suite and Timer tool.