ckBTC transfers in ledger

Hi to everyone. I’m developing an API to consume ledger and minter canisters.
after days of reading to get their candidacies, generate the idl and connect, I managed to create the connections and generate bitcoin address, and send me from the testnet an amount of btc to an account.

My problem now is with the transfers. I understand that the ledger has 2 transfer methods, transfer and transferFrom. But both for the recipient expect to receive account and subaccount, as well as the id of the sending account.

How can I know this data for a destination account? Is it not possible to do it with an address? Or is it with the address and I misunderstood?

I would be grateful to anyone who can help me with this, it has been very hard weeks trying to implement this with no technical support in the company. Thank you.

i’ll expand this. Im workin in an API to be consumed by a backend. Is developer in node + express. I want to send to an address like “tb1q3tprfprvmmh57vdnr62qha70q2vj3st5h62jpy” from de user account. For this account i have the subaccount and account data, but from destination not always.