Hi to everyone. I’m being posting here since a few weeks, and I advance a lot in this. I’m developing an API to be consumed by a wallet. The porpuse is send and receive ckBtc.
I started with the minter and ledger canister provided in the documentation of IC, but this ones only provide an address to deposit BTC that will be used to mint ckBtc, and send ckBTC to another Account, with principal and subaccount if required, but this is useless to me.
I only need to do a transfer in ckBTC to a ckBTC address, just like this app, and need generate an address to receive ckBTC, again just like this app.
Also, I want to use it like the minter and ledger from IC, I don’t want to deploy my own (if it’s possible)
Anyone can tell me if this canister exist and, if exist, which one is?