CKBTC minter timing out on intercanister calls

I have this block of code:

    public shared ({ caller }) func generateBtcAddress() : async Text {

        let acc = {
            owner = ?Principal.fromActor(this);
            subaccount = ?Principal.toBlob(caller);
        let minterActor : Minter.Minter = actor (Constants.CKBTC_Minter);
        return await minterActor.get_btc_address(acc);

That uses the ckbtc minter to generate a btc address but I always get a sys timeout error.

I have tried calling the exact same endpoint with the same paramters via a dfx command and get the expected response.

this is the service

 public type Minter = actor {
    estimate_withdrawal_fee : shared query { amount : ?Nat64 } -> async {
        minter_fee : Nat64;
        bitcoin_fee : Nat64;
    get_btc_address : shared {
        owner : ?Principal;
        subaccount : ?Blob;
      } -> async Text;

This is the exact error

Error: Failed update call.
Caused by: Failed update call.
  The replica returned a rejection error: reject code SysTransient, reject message Ingress message 0xade4964f011c588edc74b3821eeac6aa68000a7418c78a60bf2b1fb71bd49908 timed out waiting to start executing., error code None

Why on earth would this be the case?

I am also now using a node.js sever to get the btc address using the same parameters and it works fine…

I’m also getting these errors when using dfx.

I actually can’t use the majority of services today. half my dfx calls are timing out and the apps i use on icp are giving me time out errors. for example, i tried to add a canister to CycleOps today and that timed out. The entire network is more or less unusable for me right now

which subnet are you using? all my canisters are on this subnet lspz2-jx4pu-k3e7p-znm7j-q4yum-ork6e-6w4q6-pijwq-znehu-4jabe-kqe

and i think it might be the issue but thats just a guess