ckBTC API Down 'bitcoin_get_utxos' failed: canister error:

The application i am building relies quite heavily on the ckBTC minter always being working and available. However, I keep encountering this error:

 TemporarilyUnavailable: \"management call 'bitcoin_get_utxos' failed: 
canister error: IC0503: Error from Canister ghsi2-tqaaa-aaaan-aaaca-cai: 
Canister called `ic0.trap` with message: Panicked at 'Bitcoin API is disabled', 

Can anyone say if Dfinity are working towards fixing this or if it is something i might be doing wrong when calling update balance?

Many thanks

I am also now encountering this error:

TemporarilyUnavailable: 'Failed to call KYT canister: management call
 \'fetch_utxo_alerts\' failed: canister error: IC0503: Error from Canister 
pjihx-aaaaa-aaaar-qaaka-cai: Canister called `ic0.trap` with message:
 Panicked at \'failed to get a transfer summary:
 (SysTransient, "No consensus could be reached.
 Replicas had different responses. Details: request_id: 4709567, 
timeout: 1729064861837826896, hashes: [6738312ef96b813bee1eef14289105b8e61f8dbbcb1199c6d67bf546d43c0c0b: 18], 
[1c145bfcc1ca583440d6cb27d2eef363f8e007fb15f3f1659eaf9a317f2a8c30: 15]")\', 
rs/bitcoin/ckbtc/kyt/src/\n' +

'Consider gracefully handling failures from this canister or altering the canister to handle exceptions. See documentation:'

Might be related to this Bitcoin canister failing

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