Cannot propose block as the locally available validation context is smaller than the parent validation context

I’m getting this warning “Cannot propose block as the locally available validation context is smaller than the parent validation context”, which I see from the dfx logs after running after dfx start. I think this is also causing calls to the canister to timeout? How do I fix this?

You may need to reset the replica chain state to fix this using dfx start --clean, or manually deleting the .dfx directory in your project.

Doesn’t this mean I lose the local state? Ideally I want to keep my state and all the data.

You’d lose the local state yes. You could backup the .dfx directory before doing this though, and see if starting with a clean state recreates the problem when you install/populate canisters etc.

It fixes the issue, but eventually if I upload a lot of data again, the issue comes back, so it seems reproducible. Is there any way around this or is this just a limitation on local development?

Which dfx --version are you running? The latest is 0.8.3.

@Ori I believe I have been using 0.8.1