Canister versioning on ICP

Someone help me with this, is there a way on ICP that allows someone to switch between different canister versions?

Let’s say for example: I have a canister that I want to upgrade. After upgrading, I realize I want to roll back to the previous version cause of some functionalities/logic. I have checked out some resources to help me with this but they don’t give me a precise answer on how to do this

I.e Canister snap shots - this is a good method but it doesn’t provide the necessary steps that one would take to do the snapshots

There’s also this documentation on the official docs, but it only talks about getting the specific version of the canister and not how to switch between different versions

so how exactly can I roll in between different canister versions?

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Have you looked into the canister snapshot docs?

The caveat is that you must create a snapshot before upgrading.

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I will check this out.

Since you mentioned the keyword “versioning” in your post, it’s probably worth noting that snapshots are currently limited to a maximum of one snapshot per canister.

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Yeah just saw that in the documentation. Are there any hopes of having multiple versions in the near future?

I don’t know but, but I’d guess “no” for the near term and “yes” for the future.

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