Canister History be easier to access (DFX and Dashboard)


Sometimes I would like to check a canister history, even if it’s just on DFX (development purpose) or Dashboard (has a dependency canister changed exactly when).

I know we can access through management call, but think we all would appreciate more “easiness” to accessing it.

I can’t find it on DFX neither on Dashboard, and I also can’t find it anywhere else. Even if it’s only the latest 20 changes, think it would be really nice to have them there.

Are there any plans for these? Thanks for any bigger attention you can give to this. :pray:


Very reasonable request imo. I’ll forward it to the dashboard team and add it to the backlog as a feature for dfx.


Hi @tiago89.

The dashboard team does plan to show canister history on the dashboard. Currently, the dashboard team is working on improving dashboard’s infrastructure. It is currently planned to start work on adding the history in Q3 of 2024.