Calling Functions with Custom Type Parameters

Is it possible to call functions with custom types with dfx?

A function with the parameters:
testFunction(principal_id: Principal)

Would be called with the following:
dfx canister call testCanister testFunction ‘(principal “principal_id”)’

public type Role = {

Given that role is a custom type, how would a function with the parameters as follows be called?
testFunction(userRole: Role)

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You can see a possible answer on Playground:

actor {

    public type Role = {

    var role : Role = #unknow;

    public func setRole(r : Role) : async () {
        role := r;

    public query func getRole() : async Role {
        return role;

Thanks for the response

It can be called in dfx with:
dfx canister call testCanister testFunction ‘(variant {owner})’