Bug with Multiple Open Swap Proposals for the Same Project

Earlier today, some NNS dapp users observed that there are multiple Open Decentralization Swap proposals for the Modclub project. According to the design, it should not be possible to open multiple proposals of this type simultaneously (e.g., as the Neuron Fund is involved). We at DFINITY were able to reproduce the bug locally.

DFINITY has voted to reject proposals except proposal 123929. Please refer to this thread for more information about the Modclub’s SNS swap.

We have already developed some understanding of the root cause. It will take some days for the NNS team to implement and propose the proper fix. The issue does not affect existing SNSes, ongoing SNS decentralization swap proposals, or proposals of the OpenSnsTokenSwap type after submission.


DFINITY has proposed a stopgap for this bug; please see the details in this thread.


Update: despite the initial idea announced in this thread, DFINITY decided to also reject Proposal: 123929 - ICP Dashboard. The reason is that the corresponding SNS reached a terminal state that required starting the SNS decentralization process over.

Please refer to this thread for more details and the next steps for the Modclub project.

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The bug has been fixed, and OpenSnsTokenSwap proposals are enabled again.

See Proposal: 124022 - ICP Dashboard