AROF Clarifications (BABYAROF)

Greetings and respect

AROF speaks, I’m the creator of two projects on the ICP blockchain and I think it’s better to explain about the issues that have made the community negative towards me in the past.

It was almost the beginning of 2022 that I decided to create a project on the ICP blockchain… My goal was to sell NFTs and make money, but suddenly this goal turned into a big plan.

I tried to sell the paintings I had drawn in the past to compensate for financial losses in the cryptocurrency world. In order to be able to have a successful sale, I started writing the white paper of a project called AROF…

I wrote a structure for the AROF token that was extremely attractive and philanthropic… I built more social networks to add to the credibility of the AROF project…

The structure of the AROF token and my life story, which was written in the white paper, were more attractive to the community than I imagined, and there was a strong investment…

I just found out that I can’t spend the NFT earnings, because it is committed in the white paper to be spent on development.

I started my activity in the cryptocurrency market more than 2017 and I reviewed more than 100 projects and lost more than 2000 thousand dollars in this market, but I had no project management experience and until then I used a token for I didn’t make it myself.

I wrote another plan with the help of NFT market and a memecoin token that can create this experience for me to create the AROF token in the appointed time and keep my promise…

I wrote the development plan for a high-speed memecoin that had the potential to be the biggest pump on the chain… Everything was going well for the development of this meme coin, the community was excited for the token launch… We grew quickly and I really look forward to this. I had no idea that BABYAROF could grow like this…

In the BABYAROF scheme, I distributed all the NFTs of this collection manually, I knew each community and knew which people were more active…

I spent nearly 12 hours a day on development and worked hard… After 6 months of airdrops and consecutive events, the day of token distribution came… Our token is DIP20 standard and we store all data in the heart of wallet addresses. We had saved money, even I used to spend a lot of time to save the data first to convert the original IDs to the wallet address so that the data is the same.

But at the moment when the distribution was to be done, we noticed a mistake… the BABYAROF token could not be transferred with wallet addresses… the whole community was waiting for the token distribution and it was supposed to be done on the same day…

We had to create a new token with the EXT standard, but the problems were just beginning… The EXT token could not be designed to charge a percentage fee for each transaction… So we had to change the white paper. … This was a bad thing…

Finally the token was launched and the pump experienced 1100%, but the EXT token was the reason for the start of mistrust.
Tokonomics that I had written should have implemented the transaction fee feature, but since the standard changed and the issue of fees was removed, it limited everyone’s great risk.

We had 7% liquidity in the pool and one whale owned more than half of the pool. No matter how much the token grew, if this whale wanted to, it would be able to drain the pool.

In the white paper, there was a collection called ROBO AROF, which had to be token burned… A significant amount of capital was attracted from this collection, but if we did token burning on the EXT standard, this whale could drain the entire pool and the price would rise to to about zero…

I couldn’t allow such a thing, it was our appetite and we had to defend ourselves from funds… That’s how I introduced the DIP20 token into the game and announced that token burning will be done on the DIP20 standard…

At that time, the chain did not allow us to LP two different standards together, so we had two tokens with two different prices… I announced many times that they should buy the DIP20 token and be ready to burn tokens, this We did the action, token burning was done and BABY AROF token flew with DIP20 standard, but anyway many users stayed behind and couldn’t use this event.

Bad things continued until the day I couldn’t be online for 21 days and experienced some problems, transactions stopped during my absence and the project went to sleep…

When I came back and trading started again, the community, who had become extremely distrustful, dumped the token and sold as many tokens as possible and emptied the pool, all these events together showed that AROF was a fraud, but really No, in the token structure of our project, we should have rewarded traders of NFTs. We had to archive all NFT transactions, at that time NFTgeek was not yet developed and we had no tools.

NFT trades were not archived while I was away and things got out of hand…

This is where I had to rewrite again and completely decentralize the BABY AROF token with DIP20 standard and also remove the EXT token from trading… BABY AROF token is one of the most secure tokens on the ICP blockchain today.

I could never go online and abandon the project because everything was at the peak of despair, but I stood and fought to grow again, I’m still trying.

The BABY AROF project became a lesson for all projects, we always used the most creative techniques and were very inspiring.
BABY AROF token is the only ICP blockchain token that is listed with DIP20 standard on the Coin Market Cap website.
Our liquidity pool is the most decentralized token pool with DIP20 standard.

I want everyone to know that I am building with more strength today, consider my silence as the calm before the storm that soon both of my projects will experience strong growth.

Many people judge me, but I don’t care what they think, I’m here, alive and trying, it’s the energy of the community that gives me strength and it’s the bad words that discourage me… Let’s continue and build!


We , the loyal followers-supporters, already know all these details and we keep supporting…
The project needs collaborations in order to create hype and inspiration

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After updates to the website and roadmap we will start the next wave of collaborations and promotions… The development team made a small investment last night to be able to pay for airdrops again…

Regarding the lottery, we are waiting for news from the YUMI team and it will be implemented

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The results are the best proof and soon the society will move again.

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This pretty much says all anyone needs to know.


We hope that AROF talks will reduce some negative energy.

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