Are there any wallets or marketplaces that support ICRC-7?

I’m looking for any live canisters or wallets that support the ICRC-7 standard. Ideally, a browser extension wallet to see if a user can transfer ICRC-7 canisters as expected. But any ICRC-7 canister might be helpful.

That’s for testing the canisters deployed with that support the standard (this is our implementation).

Are there any canisters or wallets that support the standard right now?

I know that Plug does, but only for collections that are registered with AFAIK (for now).

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This canister from @skilesare support icrc-7.

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Sounds like they might get universal support sooner rather later! Will keep an eye

Interesting tool! Any more info on that canister and how it’s meant to be used?

Also Slide wallet will soon have ICRC-7 support, this wallet is still work in progress so use at your own risk.

Keep in mind ICRC-7 (and 37) define non fungible token standards. But for main stream adoption by wallets and marketplaces, the work on a basic metadata standard needs to be completed first.

For example a wallet wouldn’t know what metadata field refers to the image of an NFT without any standards regarding the metadata structure and fields itself. This work is ongoing in NFT working group, feel free to join the discussions on the Tuesday meetings.


is there any public information available about Slide?

so currently we do not have wallets and marketplaces that support ICRC-7 (and 37), right? do we know if anybody is actively working on that besides Slide?

I’d like to know if somebody is actively working on minting tools (or “launchpads”) and marketplace functionalities. also, migration/bridging from NFTs on other chains to ICP would be an interesting area to explore.

I am asking because I was developing a marketplace for the AtomicAssets/AtomicMarket standard (known from WAX on Antelope/EOSIO chains) and I am thinking about exploring the idea to migrate/bridge stuff to ICP.

ok I just saw that one. is the code of the canister available somewhere @skilesare? :thinking:

Main blocking thing for both wallets and marketplaces is still a metadata standard; without it, NFT can’t refer to media like an image.

This is defined in ICRC-97 but haven’t gotten around yet to pushing it forward, getting community feedback and making it ultimately an official standard.

Your feedback is very welcome, please if you have the time, join us in the working group it’s every other Tuesday, see the agenda.

I plan on open sourcing Slide soon, in the middle of refactoring it from React Native to Expo to lower the maintenance burden and complexity. As for ICRC-7 support in other wallets, once we have a metadata standard, I’d expect this to be added fairly soon by most wallets on the IC.

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NFID Wallet is waiting on the completion of these standards


gotcha, will definitely have a look and see how I can contribute :+1:

I think marketplaces or a “shared marketplace logic” could already be discussed and maybe even implemented in parallel. I really like the AtomicMarket model where different marketplaces share a common standard and can be either maker or taker (or both :smiley:). one of the “issues” there was the control over which tokens would be supported by the marketplace. ICP would be perfect here to vote on such things through a DAO.

it would also be great for users as different frontends could display shared listings, offerings, etc.

of course this would require an approval workflow. but I think this is what ICRC-37 is about, right? (didn’t have a closer look into the standards yet)

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ICRC-37 is indeed for approvals, and we also added support for multiple spenders per token so the more common (also supported) collection wide approvals can be avoided for most use cases.