API Boundary Node Management

Proposal #135593 — Zack | CodeGov

Vote: Adopted
The proposal removes healthy Active status API Boundary node cjdpl from the AW1 DC in Pennsylvania part of US East region, from NP Bigger Capital that needs to be redeployed as part of the post-48-month transition requirements that can be found here.

Proposal #135594

Vote: Adopted
The proposal adds unassigned healthy Awaiting status node gvqb5 from the TO1 DC in Toronto part of US East region, from NP 0X52 that will replace the previously removed API Boundary node cjdpl.

About CodeGov

CodeGov has a team of developers who review and vote independently on the following proposal topics: IC-OS Version Election, Protocol Canister Management, Subnet Management, Node Admin, and Participant Management. The CodeGov NNS known neuron is configured to follow our reviewers on these technical topics. We also have a group of Followees who vote independently on the Governance and the SNS & Neuron’s Fund topics. We strive to be a credible and reliable Followee option that votes on every proposal and every proposal topic in the NNS. We also support decentralization of SNS projects such as WaterNeuron, KongSwap, and Alice with a known neuron and credible Followees.

Learn more about CodeGov and its mission at codegov.org.

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Proposal Update — Wenzel | CodeGov

Topic: API Boundary Node Management

Proposal: 135593
Title: Remove 1 API boundary node(s)

Proposal: 135594
Title: Add 1 API boundary node(s)

Comments: These proposals were adopted by the CodeGov known neuron at the recommendation of one of our CodeGov team members, @ZackDS, after he reviewed the proposal and posted his review here.

About CodeGov

CodeGov has a team of developers who review and vote independently on the following proposal topics: IC-OS Version Election, Protocol Canister Management, Subnet Management, Node Admin, and Participant Management. The CodeGov NNS known neuron is configured to follow our reviewers on these technical topics. We also have a group of Followees who vote independently on the Governance and the SNS & Neuron’s Fund topics. We strive to be a credible and reliable Followee option that votes on every proposal and every proposal topic in the NNS. We also support decentralization of SNS projects such as WaterNeuron, KongSwap, and Alice with a known neuron and credible Followees.

Learn more about CodeGov and its mission at codegov.org.

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