🧐 Any inside deep dive about `dfx` tool inner mechnism articles recommand?

I am curious about it. Since the source code is about 40k lines of rust code. If got any guide article will be great .

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You can refer to the Command Line Reference which explains how each dfx command works.

If you reference the specific command source code, I suggest the following in the SDK source code.

  1. You can view each command source code: sdk/src/dfx/src/commands at bf7322741520f31a4d3484e391dbfc359829ef43 · dfinity/sdk · GitHub

Each command code file should have some comments that help with understanding how things work.

  1. You can also see a list of modules that correspond to each command in the module declaration: sdk/src/dfx/src/commands/mod.rs at bf7322741520f31a4d3484e391dbfc359829ef43 · dfinity/sdk · GitHub

Is there something specific that you are looking for?