Announcing "Token Standard" as topic of the first meeting of the Ledger & Tokenization Working Group

Hi everyone, as promised during last meeting I’ve created a forum post about ERC-20’s approve/transferFrom issues that we have collected. Please have a look ERC-20’s approve/transferFrom security concerns for the ICRC-1 Token Standard.

Hey everyone, a quick reminder that today we are going to finalise the core ICRC-1 token standard during the working group at 6pm CEST time. See you later!

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join todays community conversation: Internet Computer Content Validation Bootstrap @mariop @dieter.sommer @roman-kashitsyn


Dear community!

For tomorrow’s (November 29) meeting of the ledger and tokenization WG we would like to propose an agenda with the following topics:

  • ICRC-2 recap
    • Hum on current ICRC-2 proposal
    • Initiating the voting if there is rough consensus
  • WG governance
    • Feedback from the governance WG
    • Next steps

If you have any other suggestions for topics, please let me know.


Dear WG members and interested parties!

This is the “official” channel for the Ledger and Tokenization WG, the other one we had is “closed” to not fragment our online presence too much.

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Problem with the Zoom link, please use this one one:

Due to a problem with the Zoom link that could not be fixed in time, the meeting of November 29th could not be held. The problem has been addressed now and a new invitation has been created. Please delete all old invitations and use the one in the Working Group Calendar (Google Calendar link).

We propose to move the meeting from today to next week, same day and time, and remain on the current 2-week schedule after that.

Next meeting: December 6, 2022, 18:00-19:00 CET.

Note that the Zoom link has changed.
Please always use the Zoom link from the calendar above!

Sincere apologies for this and also for the multiple calendar emails you have received.

Dear Working Group

Next WG meeting tomorrow, Dec 6, 2022, 18:00-19:00 CET/UTC+1

Because of the hiccup with Zoom last week, we are having the WG meeting planned for last week tomorrow, December 6, 2022, 18:00-19:00 UTC+1. We would like to move forward with the WG agenda and bring some items to a conclusion, therefore we have quite a full program.

Please always use the Zoom link in the shared WG calendar:

Proposed agenda

  • ICRC-2 proposal (ICRC-2)
    • Walkthrough over the proposal
    • Hum on current ICRC-2 proposal
    • Initiating the voting if we have rough consensus
  • Working Group governance (ICRC-0)
    • Feedback from the governance WG
    • Call for feedback
    • Core working group
  • Other
    • Voting participation
    • Working group composition
    • Upcoming items


ICRC-2 slides

Let us know on the forum or on Discord or send a private note if you would like something else to be also discussed in this meeting.

From the abandoned topic of the working group, by @Embark, reposting here:

Dear working group members!

Here are the agenda and slides for the ledger and tokenization WG meeting tomorrow.


  • Communication & collaboration channels
  • Working group composition
  • Proposed change to voting
  • Working group governance (ICRC-0)
  • Textual Encoding format for ICRC-1 account addresses
  • ICRC-2 proposal (ICRC-2)
  • If time: ICRC-3


Please always use the Zoom link in the shared WG calendar:


The WG vote on the ICRC-2 proposal has been opened. Core WG members, please vote on GitHub. The vote is open for one week.

On the textual encoding of subaccounts.

@mariop @dieter.sommer @roman-kashitsyn @jorgenbuilder

Hi all, following the discussions in the working group, I would like to make a case for a single textual encoding that satisfies the following properties:

(1) Uniqueness. No two valid textual encodings should specify the same combination of <principal>:<subaccount>.
(2) Concise. The textual encoding should enable short sub-accounts if possible, e.g. those beginning 0,1 etc.
(3) Checked. Incorrectly copied textual representations, e.g. with a few digits altered from a valid textual encoding should be considered invalid.
(4) Readable. Easy for a person to read (This is primarily (2) but also includes a delimiter to separate principals and subaccounts.

I propose the following format, which I believe satisfies these properties better than the current proposed format.

New format is given by the following function:


CHECKSUM is a checksum function that capitalises based on the hash of the input. As is done with Ethereum addresses we capitalise symbols of the output based on the hash of the input string of the non-capitalised/ non-checked textual representation. See how this is implemented in Ethereum here here. What’s nice about this is that non-checked textual representations simply don’t include the capitalisation, and so we can even have checked Principals as well as checked Principal: subaccounts, unlike in the previously proposed format.

HEX(<sub-account>) is the hexadecimal representation of the sub-account byte array.

The truncate function removes all redundant zeros. For instance the Byte array in hex representation 000...001 is represented as the string 1 to satisfy the uniqueness property.

As an example, suppose the following is a valid textual encoding, for purposes of comparison we will show some invalid representations made by making slight alterations.


Now, to give an example of what would be invalid representations - suppose we changed the subaccount to 2, then 4Kydj-ryaAa-aaAaG-qaf7A-cai:2 is invalid because it violates the checksum, the checksum would actually be some other capitalisation, say: 4Kydj-rYAaa-aaAag-Qaf7A-cai:1. Now suppose we also added an extra 0 to the subaccount: 4Kydj-rYAaa-aaAag-Qaf7A-cai:01. This is invalid because it contains an extra 0 before the 1 and would break the uniqueness property.

Note also 4Kydj-ryaAa-aaAaG-qaf7A-cai:0 is invalid as this can be represented as 4Kydj-ryaAa-aaAaG-qaf7A-cai

I think this representation would give the nicest most readable principal:account-identifiers, whilst also enabling check-sums for both the <principal-id>:<subaccount> and vanilla <principal-id> formats.

Note compared to the old representation, we don’t need to know the length of the principal if we use a delimiter to separate the principal and subaccount. This is a better option because it results in a format that is easier to read by humans.


@Maxfinity, thank you for continuing the discussion from yesterday’s meeting. The above might also be interesting to @timo , @jorgenbuilder, @cryptoschindler, @hpeebles, @witter, @jzxchiang, @avi, and @mparikh.
The current standard proposal is here (slides 5 and 6).
Let’s try to conclude on this before the holiday break!

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So subaccount 0 would look like this?


To clarify. Property (4) means “parseable by the human eye”, right? So a human can see what the principal is.

Some considerations on the checksum:

  • This type of checksum makes it easier for receivers to skip the validation. We have seen this on Ethereum. People were thinking their exchange would check the checksum on their withdrawal address but they didn’t and funds got lost. The problem is that both the capitalized and non-capitalized versions are valid at least somewhere. It may not be as bad for us as it is for Ethereum because the principal is checksummed in itself, so the worst that can go wrong is the subaccount.
  • On Ethereum it wasn’t planned, they simply forgot to introduce a checksum and came up with the capitalization later as a hack.
  • base32 was designed for all the same case to avoid similar looking characters. For example, I and L are allowed and both the lower-case combination il and the upper-case combination IL are clear. But a mixed-case Il isn’t. (Those characters are Il.) If we expect nobody to type then maybe not an issue.
  • Principals were designed to be easy to visually compare for equality. Partial capitalization may lose this property. For example compare these two:
    vs these two:
    So the question is if this proposal even gives us property (4) or not.

I have argued before that a checksum for subaccount isn’t needed because we can recover from failures. If we believe it is needed and we want property 4 as well, then can’t we leave the principal untouched and do an extra checksum somewhere related to the subaccount (for the price of making it longer)?

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*Good point, capitalisation of a specific letter say I or L could be avoided by the algorithm.

*Personally, because the receiving address is checked, it doesn’t actually need to look exactly the same for you to have a high degree of confidence that both receiving addresses are correct. Say you had derived:


Well, if you had made a mistake in copying any part of the principal, then the check would fail. So this is still kind of safe, and the fact the strings look vaguely similar should give a user enough confidence when using their apps.

On your other point about whether checked sub-accounts should be optional: I would argue that checked sub-accounts would be a necessity. You could use a specific sub-account for receiving payments with each sub-account dedicated to a different user - in this case and many others, payments to the wrong sub-account are not recoverable.

So the question should be where to put the check for the sub-account. Suppose we put it at the end, this would also be ok. However, I think you lose the property that a user can create their own subaccount address string by simply appending a 1, as the user now has to use some encoding to generate a check. You could also make the checksum optional, and I think that would also be ok.

See below for an example:


I am sure it’s safe enough but I am worried about the user experience. Say a user gets shown deposit address in a pop up window (4Kydj-ryaAa-aaAaG-qaf7A-cai:1). Now we are asking the user to compare that to the canister id that he sees somewhere else (e.g. in his address book where it is all lower caps) to make sure he pays the right canister. Even if it is safe, it’s still too confusing for the user.

But you lose that with the capitalization, too. The user has to run a tool to compute the capitalization.

The capitalization checksum idea is interesting. But since the principal is already checksummed, and we’d like the user to be able to easily compare visually, why don’t we just cap checksum the subaccount part?

Then we would have:

which is 1)unambiguous in which principal you’re transferring to, 2)easily human constructible in simple cases and 3)checksummed when machine generated long subaccounts are used.

And for this to be canonical 4kydj-ryaaa-aaaag-qaf7a-cai:0 is always written as such.

Hi @Maxfinity, the current textual account representation does have a checksum(principal + subaccount)

@timo, @benji I would be happy with this suggestion, just capitalise the subaccount. Most receiving addresses in code would be machine generated, and these short sub-accounts could be used for one-off payments between users (can be manually checked if things go wrong).

Also like @timo’s original suggestion but with an extra check bit for security.

Of course, If we primarily use the approve, transfer_from payment flow, rather than paying to receiving addresses that need subaccounts, it becomes less of a necessity to check the subaccounts. Well subaccounts are much less needed in general here, but the former payment flow is much more common on the IC so…