An Update on Furthering open source contributions to the IC

I wanted to follow up on this.

The last replica binary that was blessed was on 12/11/21.

I tried looking up the commit using the hash in the NNS proposal title (75138bbf11e201aac47266f07bee289dc18a082b), but I couldn’t find a matching commit in the IC repo.

When will we in the community be able to inspect the source code of these “Bless Replica Version” NNS proposals?

Random nits:

  • It’d be great if we could also add the human-readable replica version (in this example, that’s rc–2021-12-06_18-31) to the proposal.
  • It’d be great if we could create a tag on Github for the replica version once the proposal passes. Right now, we can see feature branches called, e.g. rc–2021-12-06_18-31, but I can’t see the commit where that branch gets merged to master.

Tagging @diegop for visibility. See this for more context.

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