Airdrop Proposal for Marketing, Promotion & Evangelism

As many of you know, ELNA has engaged with a few community leaders to help support our growth leading up to becoming a DAO. Along with which, we’d conducted a series of engaging contests, aimed at raising awareness about our project and encouraging community participation and we’re grateful for the overwhelming response and creativity from each participant. We have also conducted Asia’s 1st DeAi hackathon for which the winner-developers have been awarded for their innovative projects as well.

In light of this, we would like to propose an airdrop of ELNA DAO SNS tokens to the community leaders, contest winners and developers. This initiative serves as a token of appreciation for their efforts and contributions, while also providing them with an opportunity to further engage with our project.

The proposed airdrop will be distributed as follows:

  1. The proposal, if approved by the community, will be implemented in the 4th week of May, 2024.
  2. ELNA DAO has allocated 2,500,000 tokens in total for airdrop campaigns, from which a small portion of 2,00,000 will be used to fulfil this proposal, ensuring a fair distribution among the community leaders, contest winners & hackathon devs.
  3. The airdrop will be conducted in a transparent manner, with all transactions and allocations being recorded on the blockchain for public viewing.

We believe this proposal will not only reward our community members for their support and participation but also incentivize future engagement and growth within our ecosystem. We kindly request your thoughtful consideration and participation in the voting process.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, or concerns regarding this proposal in the comments section below. Your input is invaluable to us as we strive to build a stronger ELNA DAO community.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to hearing your feedback!
