If the contract runs in a subnet of 13 nodes, when the program sends an http_request, is it called out once or 13 times?
If it is called out multiple times, what results will be sent if they return different contents?
If the contract runs in a subnet of 13 nodes, when the program sends an http_request, is it called out once or 13 times?
If it is called out multiple times, what results will be sent if they return different contents?
It is called from every node, and it is up to you to specify the transform
function in a way that allows the nodes to reach consensus. Have a look at the docs!
In this case, if data is submitted, will there be a problem of duplicate submission?
If the target server doesn’t support idempotency (the Stripe API is a good example), then yes, it will receive 13 requests and execute them all as if they all were different requests.