Today on a call with a Unity Developer, was trying to help him push an asset to a canister and it only broke on the “dfx deploy --network staging” moment.
It went on and on for a long time (>2 minutes) and then printed the error:
The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 526 , content type “”, content:
What we did to rule things out was:
- We created one from scratch, and surprisingly it succeeded. But if we repeat the (deploy) command, it will return the same error.
- If we do canister install mode=reinstall it also gives the same error
- If we do it on local deploy, it works fine.
- In my computer the exact same code is deploying just fine (I use a MacOS).
- Doing a simple ping works fine, so am assuming no DNS network problems.
The Unity Dev has a principal that is controller of the canister, so no “permissions” problem. Also no default identity, wallet has cycles, etc.
Because 526 error is “Invalid SSL certificate” we double checked if OpenSSL library was installed and is latest version (v3). I am now suspicious that something is breaking on the “opening a connection” to the canister for batch processing, but have no idea how to prove, further debug this.
Can someone from the DFX team help us out?