dfx deploy resma-medical-clinic-frontend --playground
Uploading assets to asset canister…
WARN: This project does not define a security policy for some assets.
WARN: You should define a security policy in .ic-assets.json5. For example:
WARN: “match”: “*/”,
WARN: “security_policy”: “standard”
WARN: Assets without any security policy: all
WARN: To disable the policy warning, define “disable_security_policy_warning”: true in .ic-assets.json5.
Fetching properties for all assets in the canister.
Done fetching properties for all assets in the canister. Took 106.181µs
Starting batch.
Staging contents of new and changed assets in batch 2:
/assets/icp-logo-e6583bc6.png 1/1 (98375 bytes) sha e6583bc632eb233ad949e095ca6cd7d7aeabd236a0e5f7fe11aff6f1fc7f8bc6 (with 7 headers)
/logo2.svg 1/1 (15139 bytes) sha 037eb7ae523403daa588cf4f47a34c56a3f5de08a5a2dd2364839e45f14f4b8b (with 7 headers)
/assets/index-6cb27694.css 1/1 (22022 bytes) sha 6cb27694e377e5f563c33f9dda707e9a815957842fe713f0f5e6a30ce92f05e0 (with 7 headers)
/index.html (gzip) 1/1 (357 bytes) sha c6ec2fb01f7252793b0148adc664610f5acfea366dd4b400de45f289c3f8638b (with 7 headers)
/favicon.ico 1/1 (15406 bytes) sha 4e8d31b50ffb59695389d94e393d299c5693405a12f6ccd08c31bcf9b58db2d4 (with 7 headers)
/assets/profile-94530c78.png 1/1 (11149 bytes) sha 94530c78ad7d92f2aded04a1d173e27be2551e0f27e5270272c3e5a16245c6b3 (with 7 headers)
/index.html 1/1 (533 bytes) sha 763bcab228181fbac688554ecd1383a5b4b0a43bf584a8cadd25eb93744c946d (with 7 headers)
/assets/index-6cb27694.css (gzip) 1/1 (5171 bytes) sha e8ba81fdf321118cddc10dc253096af1ed57cb988494d45413197632ac650ea7 (with 7 headers)
/assets/rxicon-973957d9.svg 1/1 (49657 bytes) sha 973957d9ce6e7d965b33a934a6d3ae47b8974b63da9c80b7012a5cd692008cfa (with 7 headers)
/assets/rx-0c4dd209.jpg 1/1 (71984 bytes) sha 0c4dd209f91b3ef8a800fdab90da509939a7239e4720bea1c2c6087846a40cf0 (with 7 headers)
/assets/hc-170e38e7.jpg 1/1 (52129 bytes) sha 170e38e7fe0b3113fde4574d0d6b3144b8ddd681dc6a1a781192c532b3ca3e5f (with 7 headers)
/assets/check-up-3a9df2fe.png 1/1 (96814 bytes) sha 3a9df2fe52faed4ead3241b82667e2f8a93793169d1b8342d11f4ed0f84d7b34 (with 7 headers)
Error: Failed while trying to deploy canisters.
Caused by: Failed while trying to install all canisters.
Caused by: Failed to install wasm module to canister ‘resma-medical-clinic-frontend’.
Caused by: Failed to store assets in canister ‘resma-medical-clinic-frontend’.
Caused by: Failed asset sync with canister w6dgu-3iaaa-aaaab-qadha-cai.
Caused by: Failed to create project asset: Failed to create encoding: Failed to create chunk: Failed to create chunk: The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 500 Internal Server Error, content type “text/plain; charset=utf-8”, content: backend_timeout
Caused by: Failed to create encoding: Failed to create chunk: Failed to create chunk: The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 500 Internal Server Error, content type “text/plain; charset=utf-8”, content: backend_timeout
Caused by: Failed to create chunk: Failed to create chunk: The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 500 Internal Server Error, content type “text/plain; charset=utf-8”, content: backend_timeout