What other AI agent can I use with Motoko either using inter canisters or HTTP outcall?

Hello, community.

I have been trying to implement an AI agent on my Motoko project, but all in vain.
I want to get your assistance and share more about the project.

Please let’s have a chat :pray:

I was working on a browser-based AI chat bot using Davinci AI, but I don’t know if it’s my system Web GPU issues, I also tried using the HTTP outcall to Gemini AI and Cohere AI.

Some of the AI I have tried to use with Motoko:
_ DeVinci browser-based AI chatbot app served from the Internet Computer.
_ The Web LLM.
_ Gemini and Cohere AI.

I was told it’s my system, but I even upgraded my system to 16GB RAM.

Is there any working AI agent I can make an HTTP outcall to?

If you have a suggestion of any working AI that can be implemented on Motoko with good step-by-step docs.

#icp DFINITY Motoko DeAI #ai

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